The AnimationClip used by the Animation Component must be marked as legacy

I know how to typically fix this but for some reason it is not working for this. Within the model in the rig tab i have the Animation Type set to Legacy but for some reason it is still giving me the error

The AnimationClip 'HatchetSwing001' used by the Animation component 'wooden_hatchet' must be marked as Legacy.

Note: I did create this animation in unity when i usually just animate everything in blender. I didnt think that should make a difference.

Marking an animation made in Unity as Legacy is a bit different, you have to look for the animation file in your project folders, click on it, change the Inspector to Debug mode (in the upper right of the Inspector, next to the padlock there’s a little arrow and 3 lines one below the other, you click there and click on Debug), look for “Animation Type” (should be set to 2) and set it to 1, this way you shouldn’t get errors anymore.

Hope this helped.