ThirdPersonController and a rotation problem


I’m using the ThirdPersonControler from the 3d tutorial, with my own mesh, however i have a weird problem.
The mesh that i’m using, i imported it and so that he looks correct in Unity (correctly rotated), i had to rotate the mesh 270 in the X axis.
The problem is, once i press a key using the thirdpersoncontroller script, the mesh goes back to the (0,0,0) rotation status.
I already tried rotating it back to (270,0,0) using transform.rotation.x = 270 inside the script, but nothing gets it back to the right position.

Any tips on how to fix this ?

Have you tried to rotated back at your 3d content creation program, to the correct orientation AND make sure it lies on the 0,0,0 location…

Rotating something every turn although its done once its still overhead…

I had this same issue. I just went back into 3dsmax and faced the model down. You have to remember Unity imports a model in Y-Up where in 3dsmax by default (for me anyway) I was using Z-Up. A nice way to check is to look at the xyz widget in the top corner of Unity and 3dsmax to get an idea where they match up.

good luck!