Hello, I’m learning Unity and I am trying to manipulate the object. This object is a sphere, inside which there are layers (mantle, crust …), as you can see in the image. How do I get when touching the mantle layer, for example, and display an information?
Note: I am using Vuforia.
Sorry for my english … It’s not the best. Thank you!
I guess you want all the layers to have a mesh collider and then add a Script to each one which reacts to touching that collider.
In terms of design however, I think that the moddle layer would be hard to touch.
I would add some Buttons on the side which can be touched instead and then add some lines to graphically connect them with the layers.
Thanks for the reply!
Got it … It really would be difficult to play, but I wanted to test. Do you have any tutorial that can help me develop this script?
You can simply use the OnMouseDown event.
Thank you! In case you want to make this interaction on mobile, how about it?
I had in mind that you wanted touch - Unity fires this event when touching, too. Since version… 4.something, I think.
Thanks FlaSh.G!
Searching, I found an interesting code. I adapted to my object. But this code was developed to meet only one object ball format. How do I adapt to another format? e.g., a neuron.
// Author : Alexander Orozco
// Email : alex@rozgo.com
// License : Keep this notice around. Otherwise, enjoy!
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Gestures : MonoBehaviour {
// adjust accordingly in the inspector
public float zoomNearLimit = 5;
public float zoomFarLimit = 12;
public float zoomScreenToWorldRatio = 3.0f;
public float orbitScreenToWorldRatio = 1.0f;
public float twistScreenToWorldRatio = 5.0f;
// don't change these
Vector3 orbitSpeed = Vector3.zero;
float twistSpeed = 0;
float distWeight;
float zoomDistance;
float zoomSpeed = 0;
float lastf0f1Dist;
void Update () {
// one finger gestures
if (Input.touchCount == 1) {
// finger data
Touch f0 = Input.GetTouch(0);
// finger delta
Vector3 f0Delta = new Vector3(f0.deltaPosition.x, -f0.deltaPosition.y, 0);
// if finger moving
if (f0.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) {
// compute orbit speed
orbitSpeed += (f0Delta + f0Delta * distWeight) * orbitScreenToWorldRatio * Time.deltaTime;
// two fingers gestures
else if (Input.touchCount == 2) {
// fingers data
Touch f0 = Input.GetTouch(0);
Touch f1 = Input.GetTouch(1);
// fingers positions
Vector3 f0Pos = new Vector3(f0.position.x, f0.position.y, 0);
Vector3 f1Pos = new Vector3(f1.position.x, f1.position.y, 0);
// fingers movements
Vector3 f0Delta = new Vector3(f0.deltaPosition.x, f0.deltaPosition.y, 0);
Vector3 f1Delta = new Vector3(f1.deltaPosition.x, f1.deltaPosition.y, 0);
// fingers distance
float f0f1Dist = Vector3.Distance(f0.position, f1.position);
// if both fingers moving
if (f0.phase == TouchPhase.Moved && f1.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) {
// fingers moving direction
Vector3 f0Dir = f0Delta.normalized;
Vector3 f1Dir = f1Delta.normalized;
// dot product of directions
float dot = Vector3.Dot(f0Dir, f1Dir);
// if fingers moving in opposite directions
if (dot < -0.7f) {
float pinchDelta = f0f1Dist - lastf0f1Dist;
// if fingers move more than a threshold
if (Mathf.Abs(pinchDelta) > 2) {
// if pinch out, zoom in
if (f0f1Dist > lastf0f1Dist && zoomDistance > zoomNearLimit) {
zoomSpeed += (pinchDelta + pinchDelta * distWeight) * Time.deltaTime * zoomScreenToWorldRatio;
// if pinch in, zoom out
else if (f0f1Dist < lastf0f1Dist && zoomDistance < zoomFarLimit) {
zoomSpeed += (pinchDelta + pinchDelta * distWeight) * Time.deltaTime * zoomScreenToWorldRatio;
// detect twist
if (f0Delta.magnitude > 2 && f1Delta.magnitude > 2) {
// homemade algorithm works, but needs code review
Vector3 fingersDir = (f1Pos - f0Pos).normalized;
Vector3 twistNormal = Vector3.Cross(fingersDir, Vector3.forward);
Vector3 twistAxis = Vector3.Cross(fingersDir, twistNormal);
float averageDelta = (f0Delta.magnitude + f1Delta.magnitude) / 2;
if (Vector3.Dot(f0Dir, twistNormal) > 0.7f) {
twistSpeed = twistAxis.z * averageDelta * Time.deltaTime * twistScreenToWorldRatio;
else if (Vector3.Dot(f0Dir, twistNormal) < -0.7f) {
twistSpeed = -twistAxis.z * averageDelta * Time.deltaTime * twistScreenToWorldRatio;
// record last distance, for delta distances
lastf0f1Dist = f0f1Dist;
// decelerate zoom speed
zoomSpeed = zoomSpeed * (1 - Time.deltaTime * 10);
// no touching, or too many touches (we don't care about)
else {
// bounce to zoom limits
if (zoomDistance < zoomNearLimit) {
zoomSpeed += (zoomDistance - zoomNearLimit) * zoomScreenToWorldRatio;
else if (zoomDistance > zoomFarLimit) {
zoomSpeed += (zoomDistance - zoomFarLimit) * zoomScreenToWorldRatio;
// or decelerate
else {
zoomSpeed = zoomSpeed * (1 - Time.deltaTime * 10);
// decelerate orbit speed
orbitSpeed = orbitSpeed * (1 - Time.deltaTime * 5);
// decelerate twist speed
twistSpeed = twistSpeed * (1 - Time.deltaTime * 5);
// apply zoom
transform.position += transform.forward * zoomSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
zoomDistance = transform.position.magnitude;
// apply orbit and twist
transform.position = Vector3.zero;
transform.localRotation *= Quaternion.Euler(orbitSpeed.y, orbitSpeed.x, twistSpeed);
transform.position = -transform.forward * zoomDistance;
// compensate for distance (ej. orbit slower when zoomed in; faster when out)
distWeight = (zoomDistance - zoomNearLimit) / (zoomFarLimit - zoomNearLimit);
distWeight = Mathf.Clamp01(distWeight);
I changed the title, did not agree with the initial proposal…
You shouldn’t rely on some scripts you found on the web. Especially if they do not exactly do what you want. Analysing this script and changing it to satisfy certain needs often is more work than to write something new.