UMotion – Animation Editor [Released]

As @roykoma already mentioned, UMotion finally arrived on the Asset Store :slight_smile:

Find UMotion under the following links:
UMotion Community
UMotion Professional

I would be happy if you give it a try and if you have any questions, please check out the official UMotion Question&Answer.
It’s a page similar to Unity Answers where you can ask questions that will be answered by me and the UMotion community. You can post questions as guest (no need to register for an account), login via Facebook or create your personal account. The idea is to build a public knowledge base where other UMotion users can learn from.

Please note that I have created a new UMotion thread in the “Assets and Asset Store” forum:

All future announcements (updates, patches etc.) will be made in that thread so make sure to watch it :wink:
Please don’t use this or the new forum thread for support questions. Use the UMotion Question&Answer page mentioned above instead. This is to ensure that the threads stay clean and informative.

So thanks everybody and stay tuned for future updates :slight_smile:

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