Hi, I’m getting an error dialogue when checking in changes on a branch that I brought changes from another branch to. This has happened twice now. The error message is:
“There has been an unexpected error “Can’t find ‘my_script.cs’ in the server. The checkin must be cancelled. This only happens if your workspace is corrupt. This is what you can do to fix it up: backup your changed files, undo your workspace changes, then run an update, and finally reapply the changes manually and return the checkin operation. If it still fails, please contact devops-vcs-support@unity3d.com”. For more information check in the server log.”
The only way to get around this issue is to delete change sets back to the point the branch was created and delete the folder containing the file that cannot be found locally. Is this a known issue or am I potentially doing something wrong when switching branches? TIA
I’ve managed to find a workaround:
- Make a backup of all the files in your local changes and put somewhere safe
- Revert your local changes
- (In explorer) make a copy of the parent folder of the file that cannot be found on the server and put somewhere safe
- (In explorer) Delete the parent folder in the repo
- Check in your change - you should find that this works
- Replace the folder you backed up and check in again
- Now apply the local changes you backed up in (1) and check-in
Hope that works for you too!
This is a very strange error. I encourage you to reach us at devops-vcs-support@unity3d.com. We will need to debug the logs, and we are open to arranging a meeting and further debugging it.
I guess the issue is not easy to reproduce?
I would say it’s very easy for me to reproduce. I’ve only used the new feature twice and both time with the resulting issue.
Could you attach the Plastic client logs and let us know the estimated time the error appeared?