Unable to load from URL: Malformed URL

Hi, I’m experiencing problem on loading my addressable from google console. It keeps on returning error message saying:

Exception encountered in operation Resource(packedassets_assets_all_0e37fa7582ada266e26669ffc7f5a5de.bundle): RemoteAssetBundleProvider unable to load from url: Result = ‘Malformed URL’

any idea. how to resolve this issue. I already tried doing addressable with 1 Image only but it returns the same message.

Addressables Version: 1.13.1

What is your load path set to?

my project load path.


I also tried

I’ll pass this along to the team for some guidance.

I was able to make it run but not using the GS_UTIL_LINK but using the link provided on the uploaded bundle and removing the bundle name in path and use that instead in the addressable profile

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