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UniPay takes the complexity out of in-app purchases (IAPs) and the billing process as a whole by providing a one-stop solution for managing IAPs, be it for real money or virtual currency. UniPay handles all the different callbacks technically and visually, while the design and templates included are fully customizable. With unlockable in-game content logic, various item selection modes and a flexible database manager for storing your own app-related data on the device, it offers the full range of professional in-app purchase techniques.
Requires Unity IAP.
You can start with one of the shop templates, set up your IAPs in the Project Settings and tell the callback listener what to do when it receives a product id. That’s it! The rest is handled by UniPay.
Supported Payment Gateways:
Google Play (Android)
Apple App Store (iOS, macOS, tvOS)
Meta Quest, Oculus Rift (Android, Standalone)
Steam, SteamVR (Standalone)
PayPal (WebGL, Standalone)
Unified product management UI Sell in-game products and virtual currency Localized product price and descriptions Inventory Storage (local or online) Shop Item Prefabs Unlock Shop Items Select/Equip Shop Items Shop Templates Purchase in Virtual Reality
Add server-side receipt validation to your app, the most secure validation technique without the need of running and managing your own servers! Using IAPGUARD, you can see all validations in one dashboard. For free, or a low, flat monthly fee, this service validates IAPs and subscriptions, so you always deliver valid content and inform users about expiring or expired subscriptions.
It is also available as a separate package here. Third-party SDK integration with PlayFab for cloud save, player management, remote catalogs, receipt validation and more. Let Anti-Cheat Toolkitencrypt the in-app purchase data saved locally to make your app more resistant to cheating and hacking attempts.
Thank you for your interest. Yes, both Prime31 in app billing plugins “Google In App Billing Plugin” and “StoreKit (In App Purchasing)” are required for SIS to work cross-platform. If you own both of these plugins, you get their in app purchasing combo plugin for free. SIS is built on top of this package.
Edit: This isn’t the case anymore, there is now a wide range of billing plugins supported.
I am proud to showcase the final design for all 6 NGUI templates in our Simple IAP System. I’ve updated the first post with new images.
You can see an example scene overview, followed by the IAP Settings editor and the items configured. You can choose between vertical or horizontal designs, but I’ll demonstrate all of them in a video soon. Confirmation buttons (tap two times to buy something), unselectable items (e.g. unlocking bonus level), single selection (e.g. choose a weapon) and multi selection (e.g. character customization) are supported and easy to set up. Each purchase and selection gets saved on the device, so you’ll keep the latest state. Of course the billing part, as well as a feedback window for the user, are fully operational.
Please leave any comments, suggestions or ideas here.
I thought a little bit more and came to the conclusion that requiring two or more plugins for SIS to work - namely NGUI and Prime31 iOS+Android billing - probably limits its possible user pool to a small section only.
I’ll most likely replace NGUI with the new GUI system, which will be pretty similiar it seems, so there’s that. Now regarding the Prime31 requirement, although I think these plugins are industry standard, I’m wondering if you would like to add support for other major cross-platform billing plugins, e.g. Unibill?
I have bought Ngui and the Prime31 Assets and want your asset as you presented it First.
Also i want it more now then later because the New unity GUI will come in One of the unity 4.x Version but we do Not know in wich and i would Not wait some month more if there is a solution now and also how i like it.
Please sell it as is and make the New GUI an Option or another Produkt then.
Thanks for your opinion. I actually meant that I will release it as is and replace NGUI in the future, when the new Unity GUI comes out. Sorry for not making myself clear. Good to know that you’re a Prime31 customer, I have received a few emails and private messages from other people telling me the same. Our products have to pass various stages before a release happens and I’m still in the testing stage, so I can’t release it now, but it will happen sooner than later.
Sure, why not. Maybe I can establish some sort of cooperation with NeatPlug for one of the later versions. I am thinking about adding a cross-platform wrapper for the most popular billing plugins, but you probably can’t mix e.g. Prime31 Android with NeatPlug iOS then. Thanks!
Currently I’m still waiting for Apple to approve our developer account before I can test SIS on iOS. Additionally, I won’t be in the office for the next month, therefore it will be mid October as it stands.
Very interesting project! Would consider this as I use NGUI for most of my projects.
One more thing, how will this support Localization? As we might need to port in different languages
Thank you for your interest and sorry for the late response, I haven’t been in the office the last couple of days.
Local localization isn’t going to be in the initial version. I thought about adding it in a future version, but I’m not quite sure how to approach this subject yet. However, for real money IAPs (those in your Google/Apple developer account), you can define localized titles/descriptions along with the price and Simple IAP System will fetch them from Google/Apple when the user opens your shop. For virtual items, which only exist within your app, you will have to wait some time or roll your own solution for now (full source code provided).
The docs already reveal a lot of functionality - for example the new possibility for storing your own data in the database, which was added today. I won’t be in the office for the next 2 weeks, but I hope this serves for an insight. I have some great news to announce when I’m back!
I happen to have both products (Prime31 storekit and NGUI), although we actually may abandon NGUI in favor of 2Dtoolkit soon, we will see. What is the normal price after the 2 day sale? I will say as I’ve said elsewhere, that Neatplug support is a thousand times better than Prime31 (and the code more complete) so I’ve abandoned Prime for Facebook plugin entirely and happily. I have Unibill but never used it yet. FIne with me to use Prime31 for Storekit as that particular product seems solid to me.
I would assume that your plugin displays the price of IAP’s in the local currency? As Storekit provides that with the “formatted price” field. Does is also display the correct localized item name from iTunes connect if entered there?
Thanks for your feedback on plugins. Hopefully our NGUI integration will transition nicely to the new Unity GUI, as that’s the plan for one of the future versions. The example scenes are built with NGUI, but SIS doesn’t rely on a specific GUI asset. Neatplug support noted, thanks for the heads up.
That’s a double yes. There’s an option to fetch product data from either Google or Apple and overwrite local values with localized online data. For real money purchases this works just fine.
I haven’t decided a final price on it yet, but you can calculate with 70-85% off the normal price (updated the announcement with this info).
Cool, I bought this, went to check it out, and am getting the following compiler errors:
Assets/SIS/Scripts/DBManager.cs(553,9): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `AesCryptoServiceProvider’ could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
This is the newest version of Unity 4. I have the newest NGUI and Storekit iOS imported as well. Empty project otherwise. Please advise.
Page 3 (First Steps) of the documentation mentions: “Lastly, set the Api Compatibility Level of your project to “.Net 2.0” (not .NET 2.0 Subset) under Edit > Project Settings > Player > Other Settings. All errors should be gone.”