Unity 2023.1.8f1 3D not letting me do any 2D imported sprites (despite having packages)

This is infuriating me. Unlike in previous versions where i could simply just drag in an image, convert it to sprite (2d and UI) and then put it into a sprite renderer, for some reason in this version it will only let me do that if I somehow edit the sprite to be the sprite so i can make a sprite type or something? But theres no way to make it through options or anything, so all i can do is draw over it and even then it just spams sprites? I just wanna have sprites to make 3D UI easier!!!

(im putting this in the 2d threat because it accords to 2d issues)

I figured it out, in the sprite editor, you have to select the whole sprite and then push apply. Thats stupid as hell but whatever

By default “Sprite mode” is set to multiples so you have to manually split the prite. Change the sprite mode to “Single” which is the previous default behavior.