[Unity 5.6.0b4] problem with asset bundle? The file 'archive:/CAB-8bc5a956f7efa6356fcd1d00c8005f99/

when the scene(that loaded via asset bundle manager) starts launch this error.
And the particles in the scene are not displayed.
I tried letting the particles inside of the scene and set their flag to be build as a separate asset bundle and in both cases the same happens.

In unity 5.5.p4 everything works fine.

I checked and it happens when it tries to load Particle system that is inside of Asset bundle

Anything in the browser log?
Have you build asset bundles with the same version of Unity?
Please attach a Development build callstack.

The copy pasted text is from the brower log.
The asset bundle is built using unity asset bundle manager. I deleted all bundles created previously and then rebuild all. I also delete the library folder to force rebuild everything as I read from people who had this issue on previous versions of unity.
I am going to make the dev build as you say

Yeah, I was wondering if there was any other message before that.

This is cleaner newer version

what is archive:/BuildPlayer-MainMenu/BuildPlayer-MainMenu ?

MainMenu is the main menu scene

This scene had no errors.But I added that particle system. I just created a default particle system on the scene from the GameObjectMenu, leave the same parameters and after the building process, the log of the browser started to announce the problem for this scene.
Before it happened on the level scene where there was another Particle system.

It sounds like this could be a bug, would you be able to reproduce the problem on a small project and submit a bug report?

ok it is ready


you can test the problem here


you can download the test project here

so it is a bug a guess

It might be. We are going to investigate and let you know.

Thanks for the bug report.

We found a bug that is suspiciously similar: Unity Issue Tracker - Corrupted file error when loading a Particle System from an AssetBundle

Asset bundle team is investigating…

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Thank you marco!

Hi ! We are facing the same problem on 2 asset bundles of different characters for our WIP new game. We were using unity 5.6.1p1 and we had no problem. Moving eveything today to Unity 2017.3.1f1 brang this exact same issue : a unity crash with the corrupted file error message.

Any updates on the investigation ?

The above issue was fixed in 5.6 so it might be a different problem.
Have you already rebuilt the asset bundles with 2017.3? If so, you may want to submit a bug report.

Yes everything was moved to 2017.3 (even the build of the bundles). We actually continued investigating and we found the source (I think).
First of all we managed to have everything working correctly with no issues on Unity 2017.1.3f1
But with Unity 2017.3.1f1, we built an asset bundle just with the mesh of our character and it caused that crash. I can provide you the asset bundle but only privately, or should I directly file a bug report ?
(Thank you for your help)

A bug report with repro project would be great, thanks.

I think I may be seeing the same or a similar issue. I just updated the project I’m working on from 2017.2.0p2 to 2017.3.1f1. I’m running Unity editor on a Mac and for our project we load and use iOS asset bundles in editor. This all worked fine on 2017.2.0p2 but I’m getting Unity editor crashes on scene loads from asset bundles on 2017.3.1f1. I deleted my Library folder, reimported the whole project and rebuilt asset bundles after updating to 2017.3.1f1.
I’ve seen very basic scenes(loading screens with just UI) load OK but others are crashing Unity with this console output:

In addition to the above crash in editor I’m seeing lots of the below error logs when running on iOS. It seems to be crashing more on often on 1GB memory devices than before updating to 2017.3.1f1 and I’m seeing meshes missing in some places.