Unity 6 starter assets do not work

using https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/starter-assets-character-controllers-urp-267961#reviews from unity assets store.

Use any version of unity 6 and deploy to any Android device and you’ll find the controls do not work.

Today (11/27/2024)

  1. use windows 11
  2. Install Unity 6000.0.28f1
  3. create project with 3d urp template
  4. using package manager install https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/starter-assets-character-controllers-urp-267961
  5. set the only scene to be ThirdPersonController (from the downloaded package)
  6. enable gameobject UI_TouchScreenInput
  7. switch to android platform
  8. verify game works in unity editor
  9. click build and run to android device
  10. recieve warning to set input to not equal “both”
  11. switch input to input system package (new)
  12. build and run to android device
  13. Observe that touching any portion of the screen on the Android device in any way causes no result. no buttons or joysticks on screen work.
  14. Change application entry point to be activity and not GameActivity
  15. Build and run to android device
  16. Observe that all touch controls on the Android device screen are now functioning as expected.