Unity Accelerator installation on win10 64bit failed in step

I am trying to install Accelerator from the simple Win10 installer as described under Unity - Manual: Unity Accelerator

After stepping through all the wizard steps, it will fail repeatedly at the very first breath with the following message:

Any idea what goes wrong here?

My installation settings are the most simple I can imagine (just want to use the accelerator locally)!

=> and then ist goes bang (as shown above).
Specifically, there is no prompt at all from my firewall (Win Defender)

More things I’ve checked in advance (to no avail):

I had a similar error. I used an older version and upgraded to the latest version 1.0.925+g55e634a, but I couldn’t install it.

Error: createServiceClearForReinstall error: The service has not been started.

The version number of UnityAccelerator I downloaded on this page is v1.0.898+gfcd47b6, which is not on the release post. This version can be installed and run normally

I had the same error with the accelerator installer trying to stop the windows service but failed the install at that point.
After some debugging on my side, the issue was that the service was crashing/corrupted (from an old install) and the installer still tried to stop it and failed the install if it couldn’t. I removed the corrupted service manually (run sc delete "Unity Accelerator" as admin) and restarted the installer once again.

I should probably open a bug report on this…


having the same issue

Rebooting solved it on windows.

Deleting the service this way did it for me! For those wondering, just open a cmd terminal in admin mode and input the command, then reinstall the program. Should all work after that.