I am trying to install Accelerator from the simple Win10 installer as described under Unity - Manual: Unity Accelerator
After stepping through all the wizard steps, it will fail repeatedly at the very first breath with the following message:
Any idea what goes wrong here?
My installation settings are the most simple I can imagine (just want to use the accelerator locally)!
=> and then ist goes bang (as shown above).
Specifically, there is no prompt at all from my firewall (Win Defender)
More things I’ve checked in advance (to no avail):
Added specific rule to Win Defender, allowing outgoing connections for the installer
Disabled Win Defender completely
made sure to have downloaded the correct installer, using the official links:https://accelerator.cloud.unity3d.com/api/v1/accelerator/download/installer?target_os=windows&download_location=manual
https://accelerator.cloud.unity3d.com/api/v1/accelerator/download/installer?target_os=windows&download_location=lts-releases -
Unity version is 2020.3.3f (running fine otherwise).
Made sure that neither Unity Editor nor Hub are running in the background
Tried with admin privileges, but this fails with another error already after unpacking of the archive (no access to win’s startmenu folder - what: even as admin??)