Unity for web games?

Hello everyone,

I’m starting with video game design and have been looking into various engines. My idea is to make 2D games for mobile, although I actually need to start with a game for the web (I have to complete a project for my studies). I know I could do it in HTML, JS, and CSS, but since I’m already familiar with these technologies, I wanted to take advantage of the project to learn more about game design.

So, my question is: Does Unity render well for the web? Should I choose Unity over GODOT for a project of this nature? I’m determined to try out all three engines, but since I only have time to deliver the project by Christmas, I’d like to know a bit more about these two engines for my purpose (creating a game for the web).

Thank you very much for your help, and I apologize if this topic has been discussed before, but I couldn’t find it in the search.

You can play web based games here to see for yourself.

You can even submit yours for a chance to win Asset Store credit.

If you are interested in learning Unity, then yes, go for it. Unity can make a fine web game, especially if you want to use physics and the Unity workflow.

In terms of a small, efficient web game, I think JS would probably be lighter-weight.

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It can target for webgl so I think that’s pretty good at it.

Obviously, it depends also on the type of game that you have in mind. Not that Unity will not be able to handle it, but maybe if the logic/graphics are simple you can directly do it with javascript/typescript.

Thank you for your help.

I will try Unity. I know that probably the game is gonna be better with js, but as I want to learn game development I think it was a good idea start with that project. For that reason I was thinking in Unity and GODOT.

I will try unity so this is not gonna be the last time that I need your help hahaha.

Thanks guys.

If you’re dead set on a web game you should just use an engine focused on it. Unity and Godot will always be the least efficient way to make a web game.

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I know that is not the best choice. But It is not about efficiency, it’s about enjoying the process. Last four years I didn’t program anything but some scripts on python. For doing my project I need to do a website but I didn’t want to focus on react or some web framework because I don’t want to be a web dev. So hopefully I won’t use again.

I’m a sys admin and I’m happy with my work, so I wanna expend my free time learning something that I enjoy.

For that reason I want to learn about game development that is the main reason that made me learn to program. I need to make my final project, but I want to try something different as I am a little bit bored of JS.

Thank you for your advice, but I still thinking about using an engine as Unity or GODOT because when I finish the project I want to start to develop my own games. So I think this will be a good practise :slight_smile:

I’ve made multiple web games multiple full 3D, you can do a lot with Unity on this front and I generally reccomend it for people releasing demos.

The main limitation is game size and certain tech like Burst Compiler.

This ones a great example, I didn’t make this but I advised them on doing a release like this to promote their kick starter. It’s a good example of how nice 3D games can work, 2D games are trivial in comparison.

Genokids DEMO (newgrounds.com)

Mostly just make sure your compression is on point!


Your post is leaving me with the impression that you think anything that isn’t Unity or Godot is somehow a framework or library. There’s nothing further from the truth. Unity and Godot are just two of many full game engine experiences. Up to you if you want to use them but be aware it’s always going to be worse choosing one that isn’t tailor made for Web.

Unity’s main limitation is that it’s constantly playing catch up because it’s just not a priority for them to stay up to date with the evolving state of the Web.

Godot’s main limitation is that they seemingly have no interest in it at all, and because of that it’s even further behind Unity missing major features like C#.

I guess, to me what’s been there is solid. I didn’t have much issues even as a beginner.

this online editor is pretty amazing, can create even multiplayer games with few clicks!

Babylon.js can be more efficient for the graphics, but it’s not a game engine, it’s a rendering engine, there’s a difference. With it you need to create all the game logic by yourself instead of relying on existing tools.