Unity or Blender

Hello Unity.I have a question to ask about animating. Which one is better or easier to use for animation is it Blender or Unity?If Blender or Unity is easier to animate then the other.Can someone please tell me why?

Are you talking Blender as a game engine, or as modeler here?

Unity won’t create animations, characters have to be rigged / animated in a program like Blender / Modo / 3DSmax and then brought into Unity.

Well if a character is rigged for mecanim, using mecanim animations are simple enough, you just need to look up the rigging info in the docs, there is also a plugin which will take a blender character and rig it for mecanim. You will need to look at the forums for that as I don’t think it has been approved yet… Then if you look at the new UMA system just put in the asset store these avatars will go with mecanim as well. In terms of animating stuff like opening a treasure chest etc, that is simple in Unity as well, whereas sometimes there can be some problems getting in a model made in blender with animated tracks so that it works perfectly.

Unity. Just make models in blender.

I swear these threads are getting more and more common…

I prefer to use Microsoft word for my animations personally.

This is scary! (◑.◑);

Why not take advantage of Mecanim and use pre-existing animation? Mixamo has many free animations you can use. All you need is that your mesh is rigged with Mecanim, and you’re set.

N00b. I use a hex editor.


I use asmbley language

I use Rigify with Blender and it works really well. You’ll need to scale the rig and make sure the control points are all inside your mesh if you want to use automatic weights when parenting but it’s a piece of cake.


Binary FTW man