Hello i have a question to ask and its about which one of these software is better for doing animation is it animating using blender or doing animation using unity?which one is better and or easier to use for when animating a character.
Probably Blender, since you’ll have to rig and skin it there.
Inverse Kinematics in blender makes character animating a lot easier.
You can animate stuff in unity?
Window > Animation, meant for really simple things only though.
Neither,… Maya is better
ok,…between your two,…Blender is the way to go for characters.
I will use Unity animation for some Camera moves though. Maybe simple object translations and rotations.
If you count the iTween or Mega-Fier plugins, there are a lot of animations features that have their place inside Unity.
It really depends on the nature of the animation in question.
If an animation is character-based, and fairly complex, I will usually use Blender. Sophisticated bone-based animations are easier to implement in a visual editor like Blender. Trying to pull the same thing off in Unity would be a pain.
If the animation is fairly simple, and needs to be dynamic based off of the contents of the scene, I will probably program it using Unity’s scripting system. Unity has several options for scripting basic animations. I use this approach when things need to be shifted around based on code and conditions. I use this sort of animation a lot for menus and camera transitions.
whichever one your better at
Probably Unity cuz to me it’s a lot simpler.