Unity Won't Open ANY Project

Hey guys…

I’m trying to open my projects, but I’m having some problems.

Every time I click to open any project, Unity loading screen appears, but it open’s Unity Hub again and closes the project.

I tried Multiple versions, Reinstalling Unity, Opening project with scene and a lot of things, but nothing seems to work.

Video showing my problem:

If you have any ideias to help me, I would be grateful.

Try removing the Lbrary folder from your project before loading it.


Doesn’t Work…

Deinstall Unity and reinstall it then. :slight_smile:

I tried it too :frowning:

Install the version of Unity your project was made with and load it. Save it, back it up, remove the Library folder and try again upgrading it to a new version of Unity

Didn’t work.
Also I tried to create a new projet, and I could. But if I close it, I can’t reopen it.

Report a bug.

Also check what the logs say. Usually there are error messages in there for occasions like this.

I just hit this as well. It appears to be a license check bug if you check your logs. I installed an older version of Unity Hub and it worked. New version appears to be broken for me.


Report the bug! Since it doesn’t hit everyone, something is blocking your network. Apparently Unity isn’t aware of this. Since doesn’t happen to everyone…

  • quit the Hub from the tray,
  • locate “Unity_lic.ulf” and delete it,
  • restart Unity Hub.

Locate it where? I searched but couldn’t find. I can’t even create a new project after reinstall hub and unity…


Check for new license. It will work.


HellaciousA, could you explain how you downloaded an older version of Unity hub? :hushed: I’d love to do the same as I am having the same problem and need to have unity hub work so I can sign in to make ios builds.

Also, a tourniquet/inelegant fix for those suffering this same problem: Delete unity hub, open your unity project manually, reinstall unity hub with your project open, then sign in. I am then able to use unity services on my project. Not a great solution, but the only one I’ve found so far.

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What works for me.

I changed the internet connection to another. In my case I use my 4G of my cell phone. After this the project will open. Then back to official connect. Just one time I do this…


thank you it works for me :slight_smile:

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I had a problem where every time I want to open a new project, it says it is an invalid file.

If you know how to help me I would really appreciate it.

This is so bad. I can’t even create a new project.

I reinstalled Unity, and finally able to open/ create projects.

I come back the next day, and can’t open or create any project… WTF… I disabled/enabled all firewall options for both node and unity. Still no luck.

All solutions above did not work…

anyone read this post may solve this problem.I got the same issue when i upgrade my unity hub, just reinstall the Unity editor so you can fixed it. I noticed there is a little change with the version number,which the old one is 2019 4.37 but the new one is 4.38,and 4.37 was gone in editor list, i think that is the matter.When i reinstall the 2019v but the new one, all the issues were gone.(contain ‘can’t open the project file’)

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