Unsupported Type Vector

Hello everyone,

I’m encountering a strange problem with V5.1.2. When adding a public vector of floats or transforms, I get the error message “unsupported type vector” without any more specific information. I get the message when I try to enter values via the editor.

The code simply looks like this:

public List<float> fireTimerOffsets;

Is this a known bug that came back to life from 3.5 era?

Hmm. I have this same message and I have no idea what it came from :frowning:
7169020--858880--Screen Shot 2021-05-24 at 11.20.44 am.png
Any ideas how I could track down the culprit?

That lowercase v smells a bit suspicious to me @petey … have you tried closing / opening Unity, resetting layouts, or perhaps doing a Reimport-All?

Oh yeah that definitely seems a little strange :face_with_spiral_eyes: Thanks, that might be a good thing to look for if the reimport doesn’t do the trick.

Hmmm, still getting it after a reimport sadly.

Although now I get a little more info -
Unsupported type vector
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:processEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
Unsupported type vector
UnityEditor.EditorApplication:Internal_CallGlobalEventHandler ()

I’ve been writing Editor scripts a little lately, maybe it’s got something to do with one of those.

Editor scripts, since they run at all random kinds of times (eg, not just when you press PLAY), can get into weird wedged states, such as if you’re changing them, iterating, recreating the window, etc. My general defense is to be ready to close/open Unity when I am seriously fnordling with editor scripts.

Ahh damn, I removed all my editor scripts and reimported all but I’m still getting it. :frowning:
It doesn’t actually stop the game from running so it might have to stay in there for the moment.

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Same here. But in my case I had a custom struct for which I was trying to write some editor code, specifically property drawers. Nothing from above helped, not a restart, reimport, layout reset, deleting every single bit of custom editor code from entire project, lol, not a bit. Spammed the console every time I touched my struct value in its inspector.

Finally, the solution was to delete the objects from the scene and add them back.


Ran into this today (v2019.4.30f1). Unity doesn’t always do a super good job of cleaning up removed prefab properties from scene instances. Like @dan-oak said, you can delete the scene instances and re-add them, or go through the scene file and find the zombie properties and delete them.


A simple Apply All to my current prefab fixed my issue.

~Unity 2021.3.4f1


2009 ->2023

Sorry for the necro, I have encountered this problem but it doesn’t really seem to affect anything? The only thing it does is clog up the console after recompiling, which gets cleared on run anyways. It started appearing after I upgraded my project from 2022…8f1 to 2023.2.8f1.

I had this same problem (2023.2.4f1), i got no errors when the class I was serializing was in a list, but not when it was it’s own public variable. Deleting the prefab holding the variables and re-adding it to the scene fixed the issue, even after closing and reopening the project.