When loading Menu Scene all Sprites are not showing

I am using a Unity Asset Store Start Menu (First Time). It works at the start when I run it but after loading into my game Scene and trying to load back into the Menu Scene everything is gone. They are not hidden/SetActive(false). Any help would be amazing. Thanks
When Starting project:

When going back to MainMenu:

Hard to help out, need more info… Is this the Unity asset or a community-asset?
How do you load the scene?
Advice is to put logging lines (Debug.log(…)) and check the console on what really happens and to but breakpoints in your visual studio and debug, check step by step what is going on.

Next, did you check for camera changes? Switch between Simulator and game view to check if it’s outside the camera space.

Double click on the ‘Dont destroy…’ to navigate to where it actually is

Unfold the component and check whether it still has child objects.

I am not to sure but I think it is a Community asset.

This is the code for loading the Scene:

public void SaveAndQuit()
        Debug.Log("Saving Game...");

When I switch between Simulator and game view the buttons are not visible in both.
When Starting Project(Scene view):

When going back to MainMenu(Scene View):

I don’t understand what you mean by “Double click on the ‘Dont destroy…’ to navigate to where it actually is”
All the buttons still have their Child (TextMeshPro)
Thank you for helping me