It looks quite good but crashes a lot in my project.
Who is having luck with HDRP and actually chancing it?
It looks quite good but crashes a lot in my project.
Who is having luck with HDRP and actually chancing it?
hdrp is still to new for production you should use stable for release.
I use HDRP
however, the game that I developed is still in pre-production
probably will switch to upcoming Unity LTS for full-scale production
can you share some images?
and how is it working out compared to the built in renderer?
Unity stated that you should hold until LTS for serious projects you’re starting now.
HDRP is fine for production. If you are experiencing crashes, file a bug report. HDRP is already being used in production.
I am about 3 weeks away from shipping…and the bugs…they are driving me crazy.
Which case numbers?
I’m sure Unity can help if they know which ones are stopping you shipping.
We are launching early access in next week: Cyberception on Steam
you can check screenshots.
Biggest problem there is lack of support for many common scenarios, for example you need to go into serious coding to have post processing not influencing UI, which should be there out of the box, not requiring shader programming.
You don’t have camera stacking support (which is there for URP though) which for fps game is kind of important.
There’s lot of gaps in the docs, Editor has lot of bugs in terms of hdrp rendering - not a deal breakers though, but make game dev process more tedious and annoying.
There are not many people there with enough knowledge about HDRP to help you more than just repost all the same blog entries and general information.
No native support for realtime GI is a big deal breaker.
Bottom line is that for small team (as ours) it can be overkill to develop project for HDRP at the moment. We cant afford enterprise level support so what left for you is chasing luck here, on the forums to get someone from the unity team to respond (which in 99% would resolve your issue) or dig through github to mess with your local copy of SRP.
For medium/bigger teams, who can either afford unity direct support or have dedicated dev working on it, I would definitely recommend switching to HDRP as it HAS a lot of potential and good stuff. It’s just not mature yet enough to be considered out of the box ready for productuon, without dedicated resources to support it within your team.
Looking half a year back, when I started project using preview of the HDRP I would do the same thing again, having all the experience, stress and blokers I went through, but I am an adventurous individual so it’s not for everyone.
wow! how do you do hand with gun without getting Z jitter?
mind blown, good thing I’m considering having the GUI as a 3D element in the scene … oh wait, I read somewhere that one of the GUI render mode wasn’t supported in HDRP
You dialed volumetric all the way to 11 in there buddy, it’s the new lens flare
My turn:
I use the Raytracing (preview) stuff because that 2 bounces realtime GI is just too good to pass, and I’m just doing trailer previs at this point. The result is bloody gorgeous, so nice in fact that I’m considering keeping that no texture look. Refresh time is acceptable on a 2060rtx, I’d say 15 fps.
There is a Maya import bug that turns standard surface into gray unity hdrp lit, easy workaround in maya by switching all that to legacy phong or lambert
HD Lights are forgetful until tickled: they blast the scene as if they were in 1/r and when I select them they go “now i remember, I’m a modern 1/r2 light, let me cool off a bit”, this might be a raytrace only bug, pretty minor really
I upgraded the project and now cannot access the project as it 100% crashes on material upgrade
Overall experience was pretty good, general wonkyness to be expected for using preview features but that last one reminds me of that old Belgium joke about the madman and the hammer.
I keep fixed fov right now, and model fpp guns in a way that minimalize tunneling effect, that occurs on long objects at higher fovs.
Collision with the world is handled regular way and gun is retracted by animation to avoid clipping though the walls.
Of course this are all workarounds at the moment - can be solved with custom passes (to implement proper cam stacking) but dont have man-power right now to do it.
I am switch volume profiles when going to/from menu and in-game views but biggest bummer right now is DoF effect influencing randomly hud elements, which does not look good at all and have no solution for it right now.
Problem is that you can do nice looking hud with post processing volume but theres no way to control it. You can either go with overlay camera for hud - no post processing at all, or screen space/world camera - you got post processing for hud but all of them, including effects you dont want, since its global.
Hehe, what do you want to know?
Me, if hobby projects count.
Its good. Its really stable which I like.
DBuffer decals are godsend for the game I’m building (which is the main reason I switched from built-in).
Lack of shaders can be tolerated by ASE or manual ports (managed to port CMU & SpeedTree on my own).
Graphic quality is better than with Lux shaders, so I’m happy about it.
There’s lots of things that are useful for achieving high graphical fidelity.
And, there’s also SRP batcher that skyrocketed my performance.
That might actually improve immersion, having your gun get pushed by environment, do you use that as a game mechanic?
seems like a pretty big oversight, what did Unity say about that?
“specifics?” was meant for @jjejj87 who had maddening bugs.
yep, production is production
what are you using those for? bullet hits?
really? I’m getting slightly slower performances, what’s your project?
Blood splatter, projectile hit decals etc
First person shooter with quite large scenes scope (which I definitely need to lower, because I’ll never finish it) plus some procedural stuff involved.
Also, stuff like trees and vegetation can be batched together as well. Which is really nice.
Instancing was fast, but SRP batches are faster.
Con of this - at the moment, there’s no decent culling solution.
Hoping GDOC will get updated eventually to support HDRP.
So the actual frame rendering speed was improved.
(Bonus points - editor doesn’t feels as sluggish anymore)
Quantity of stuff rendered is also increased (due to the lack of culling).
Things that drive me crazy.
HDRP crashes editor about 4~6 times a day. All changes are lost regardless of saving. The editor has to be closed and reopened to keep changes.
Custom pass bug is still here. It just doesn’t work as expected yet.
HDRP Lit shader, when it comes to transparency, while superior to the built-in, still has a long way to go.
Pretty sure this is just a Unity thing, Ive experienced it before both standard and LWRP/URP.
Also, it seems not to happen as much with HDRP… at least right now, maybe because I am using shadergraph, the refresh of shaders causes a library refresh? I don’t know, but I have had quite a few crashes, to find to my delight I hardly lost anything, compared to the past when I often lost quite a bit of progress.
I am pretty sure it is a HDRP thing. Also, I am seeing crashes every now and then, it crashes about 4~6 a day.
Maybe its worth checking what’s causing them? What’s in the editor log?
I remember we got that sort of problem in 4.3 and file>save project was the temporary cure.
Hi guys, now that almost a year has passed, any improved thoughts on HDRP? are any of you (still) using HDRP?