Hi all,
Mixamo has great animations.
However, when you import them into unity, Head, food or fingers at least one part of the animation doesn’t work and makes that animation unusable.
Is there any well know solution for this?
For me it works.
I upload my character to mixamo.
I load and preview all the animations I need. Then I download them.
In unity I set the rig of my model to “general”.
Be sure to Enforce T position on them
thanks may be it is because I convert humanoid character’s animation to “Humanoid” that is problem. Or may be I don’t upload my characters first.
chose or enforce? what does enforce mean?
he meant in the configuration of rig.
but best you do is choose another avatar, the default mixamo beta character in T-pose.
thanks. However, whenever I chose a different avatar than the original, it didn’t work in my past experiences
Yes is seems like the animations only work for the avatar you uploaded. So even if you want to use the same animation you need to upload the new avatar and download the “same” animation again for the new avatar.
thanks that is helping.
A little late to the party here, but if you are looking to import animations into your own model, you will have to first upload your model onto Mixamo, and then download the animation. This video covers it pretty well:
Like the above posters have said, you will also have to make sure that your downloaded Mixamo animation files use the same Avatar (it’s set in the Import settings). You can refer to this video for more information: