Hi, Im doing a rocket and I have referenced another script to take the position of the fire point to calculate the speed, but in the inspector I cant attach the script to the prefab. How can I solve this??
public class Rocket : MonoBehaviour {
float currentSpeed;
public float speed = 0.25f;
public AnimationCurve curvi;
public Weapon weapon;
public Rigidbody2D rb;
private void Start()
void FixedUpdate () {
rb.velocity = transform.right * speed;
void Update () {
currentSpeed = Vector2.Distance(weapon.firePoint.position, transform.position);
speed = curvi.Evaluate(currentSpeed);
You are missunderstanding somethig…
You declare a Weapon variable (i supose its the script you talking about) as public. So I understand yopu pretend to attach via inspector this variable.
Then in Start, you do this:
What’s this? whats the objective of this line? What you think is doing? i does nothing, you dont give any “order”, dont assigne any value to any variable, its not a “command”. ITs like you say:
“Get the component of this object” … And I ask and what? if you acces it is to do something, change a value, assign it to a variable, destroy it, something… but you dont do anythig there…
You can do this: Replace declaration of “Weapon” varaible to be a GameObject type variable, so you can assign the gameobject to the variable via inspoector. Then acces its component to assign it to your private “weapon” variable
public class Rocket : MonoBehaviour {
float currentSpeed;
public float speed = 0.25f;
public AnimationCurve curvi;
public GameObject weaponObject;
private Weapon weapon;
public Rigidbody2D rb;
private void Start()
weapon = weaponObject.GetComponent<Weapon>();
void FixedUpdate () {
rb.velocity = transform.right * speed;
void Update ()
currentSpeed = Vector2.Distance(weapon.firePoint.position, transform.position);
speed = curvi.Evaluate(currentSpeed);
See the diference??
You can directly assign the Weapon variable without need of declaring first the object, but i done this to show you the “logic” of all steps. As i see you have some missunderstandings about declarations and relation betwen objects and compoentns, you should spend some time watching more tutotrials about this.