this doesn’t happen with all but most models i bring into unity this crap happens [see image]
why the hell is unity doing this and i know its unity because in blender the movement point is always in the center but then when i bring it into unity, unity breaks it and this happens, so how do i fix this? im getting really sick of unity breaking my models when they work in every other 3d program/engine
yes i have and i have even remodeled some of the models and still the same issue, that video was one of the first i watched but it didnt help at all sadly
All I can say is there’s got to be something wrong with either the input model or one of the import/export settings causing issues. It’s not like Unity randomly breaks parts of meshes for no reason at all, and pretty unlikely that you’ve ran into a new/unknown bug with a simple model like this.
Unity is not breaking your models, you are just not making them/exporting them correctly. It looks like you simply do not have geometry facing the correct way / normals facing the correct way. Either that or incorrectly applied transformations.
But definitely this is not unitys doing. So I suggest taking this logically one step at a time and figure out using a single area of geometry that is failing to import properly, what the issue is.
if you select the material and make it double sided does the image show up?
if so, the face normals are flipped.
open the file in blender and show the normal face direction.
When you import more than one blend file at once Unity can mess them up (since 2021.x when they introduced multithreaded model import). Might not be your issue, but something to keep in mind. If that’s the case for you you can reimport each model individually.
my normals arnt inverted [see image]
i have tried applying all transforms and resetting the pivot point every option in the object menu yet nothing has fixed it even in a new scene
tryed to reset pivot and freeze transform but no dice even in a new scene so im a bit stumped, i ahve other models in the blender file that have exported and import just fine and there transforms arnt all the way off in one direction
I’m not seeing that in the posted image. What I do see is that the pivot is about 10m away from the outlined object, so I assume that’s the issue here.
Is the issue that the pivot is indeed at (0, 0, 0) in world space, but the model’s geometry is in fact ~10m away from the scene origin? This is a pretty common issue when a whole scene is constructed directly in the modelling package, rather than making individual objects and then assembling the scene in engine. If so it’s not Blender or Unity specific, it’s about being thoroughly familiar with world space vs. object space.
@killerbite , in Blender where is the object’s local origin (i.e. 0, 0, 0 position) in relation to its visible geometry? I’m no Blender expert, but I believe the pivot point can be set independently of the local origin. (Someone who knows, please feel free to correct or clarify.)
You definitely can. Unless it’s changed (and it probably has in recent versions) the short-cut was SHIFT-CTRL-ALT-C to set the pivot point in object mode to one of a few options, such as cursor, local, etc.