2020.2 Beta Sweepstakes - Your chance to win an Oculus Quest 2 - Submission period ended

The submission period for the sweepstakes has ended and we will pick the winners as soon as all submissions have been evaluated.

Hi everybody,

We have now retroactively started the accompanying sweepstakes for the 2020.2 Beta, which gives you the chance to win one of 8 Oculus Quest 2 headsets.

To enter the draw, all you have to do is identify and report at least one unique bug during the 2020.2 beta cycle. The contest opens retroactively at 00:01 am PT on October 9 and the submission period ends at 23:59 pm PT on November 18.

A unique bug is one that has not yet been reported at the time of submission and has been reproduced and acknowledged by Unity as a bug. Make sure to add #Beta2020Win_OCULUS in your bug report submission. If you entered a valid submission but didn’t initially tag it with #Beta2020Win_OCULUS, you can do that retroactively until the end of the submission period by replying with the tag to the confirmation email you received after submitting the report. Every additional valid submission increases your odds at winning but no participant can win more than one Oculus Quest 2.

No purchase necessary. Void where prohibited. See the full rules here. We will contact the winners directly.


I send bugs and crashes to Unity on a weekly basis. Unity nearly never manages to reproduce my bugs nor make sense of the crash reports and always wants me to create reproduction projects. This has been brought up a lot before but I really urge the Unity colleagues to improve this process. I see three ways:

  • make it clear that you do NOT want any bug or crash reports from people who cannot invest time in reproduction projects or can only share their huge 50Gb project (like me, I did that just lately but never heard back although it is perfectly reproducible)
  • have your devs connect remotely to inspect issues (I’d allow that for example if it helps to resolve some of my most pressing bugs)
  • or make your tooling more intelligent to send more useful reports

Right now the situation is really unfortunate and having a sweepstakes with all the prerequisites that many people usually cannot (and in my eyes should not, they are reporting bugs after all but they are not your QA team) fulfill is actually a bit offending (at least to me).


Does that mean beta ends on Nov 18th?

An anonymous heroic donor sent me an RTX 2080 graphics card recently and I think it could show its full potential only, if I had an Oculus Quest 2 headset too. :smile:


No, the beta phase might continue after this date. The final release date also depends on qualitative goals being met.

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Just wondering, are all bugs that have been reported during the beta cycle eligible to participate or is it only ones since October 9th?

+1 on clarification of Start Date.

Also would an issue count if it is discovered in 2020.2 but covers more Unity versions? Does it have to be an issue related to 2020.2 editor, i.e. does finding a bug in a package associated with 2020.2 like URP or HDRP counts?

So next time I should hold off sending bug reports until you hold a sweepstake? Because that’s how I feel right now. What a crappy way to hold a sweepstake.


"Facebook says that tying your account to your authentic identity helps protect the Oculus community with Facebook’s privacy and safety tools. "

This forum needs a ROFL emoji.


not true, actually. it’s stated right here that you can apply retroactively:


See above

For those that want to know more about the promise Facebook made as part of the Oculus acquisition. A promise that has now been broken and reason why you might not want or even be able to use Oculus products such as this unless they retract this decision:

worth mentioning Oculus Quest 2 specifically requires a Facebook account even if you already have an Oculus account. No grace period for you even.



Insert comment here about being upset you need to make a Facebook account (that you don’t even need to use) to use a device.

It’s like complaining about needing to make a Playstation Account to use a PS4.

All 2020.2 related bugs that were reported during the beta up until the 18th of November are eligible. That also includes bugs in packages and bugs that occur in previous versions as well. The bugs need to be reported with a version of 2020.2 and be acknowledged by Unity as bugs.

I’m sorry for the confusion and hope this clears things up.


Hold on, let’s clarify something here. Hear me out. Why do you think no-one ever complained about having to make an Oculus account which has been required for many years? – Because that was equivalent to making a Playstation account.

Sony doesn’t make you register for a ubiquitous and monopolistic data mining social network run by a company with questionable privacy practices currently under investigation in several countries, that also requires you use your real name and upload government documents to prove your real identity or get banned.

Because Sony doesn’t have such a social network.

Anyway, by all means, feel free to use Facebook’s products and services, apply to the sweepstakes. That’s all your choice to make given the information that’s out there and what you want to believe or not. I’m just posting links to regarding the registration policy changes related to getting value from the prize in this sweepstakes for people to be aware of and make choices about. If you don’t mind, fine by me. But the Playstation Network is in no way equivalent to Facebook. Not in this dimension / timeline / universe.


^ I think that guy was trolling you.
Don’t let FB’s vomit-inducing practices detract you from winning this Q2. I know I won’t - yes you heard me @Peter77 , gloves are off!
Look at it this way, I’m sure a few white hats despise Z borg. Q2 runs on android, it’ll get hacked into oblivion within a month tops. Then you can link it to your PC. Better rift for free. If not, big deal, you make 200 bucks on ebay…


I’ll contact you directly when Facebook sweep into my house, taking my family, worldly possessions and maybe even my own life because of that Facebook account I made 16 years ago.

Yeah, I’m just ignoring them now. I hear you, I was thinking to suggest the selling on eBay route as well, or just shelving it until Facebook responds to the backlash with a retraction and/or hackers and hobbyists open it up. Only time will tell. :smile:

Hello I have been in hospital for 2 weeks. I had posted this in another VR forum and I was looking so forward to getting a
Quest 2, but then I read I HAD to get a FB account for the quest 2 AND that they had said that my Quest 1 Hardware I OWN, will have to have a FB account by 2022 and will stop working if I do not. How much data do these mega corps need ? My post follows If you take the time to read this link from RoadtoVR It is kind of chilling least to me. That is why I will not get a quest2 and I have stopped buying and new games… really i have not used the quest 1 for a while and not since I heard this, Please excuse any typos and the hastily post of mine. It is in part because of what I was in hospital for and it is late… the rest is my original post Thank you >>>

Off Topic in some way’s … If you want to go straight to the article instead of reading what the comments were main points were for me instead … it is here Facebook Accounts Using Fake Names Risk Access to Oculus Content

Please excuse any typo’s etc… I was just seeing Oculus Quest 2 will be for sale Oct 13 .
How ever ( bad news for me ) … Quest 2 will Have to have a face book account to run. Also if they disable your account for any reason, you will loose the ability to even Use the Quest 2. ( I have no FB and don’t want ) …
Also, support for any Oculus device will only be supported till 2023 … ( with only an oculus account ) … Then you will need to have a FB account.

This hits me all the wrong way. FB will have ton’s of personal data on any of its user’s . And feels like a electronic net.
I saw yesterday Amazon in making 360 million a day , but they can’t pay the workers decent wages … /rant off on that.

What really chilled me was a comment ( I do not know if this is true or not, but is is said to be a leaked email from Zuckerberg ) … From the comments >> "

(Zuckerbergs words)
“The strategic goal is the clearest. We are vulnerable on mobile to Google and Apple because they make major mobile platforms. We would like a stronger strategic position in the next wave of computing. We can achieve this only by building both a major platform as well as key apps.”

“I will discuss the main elements of the platform and key apps further below, but for now keep in mind that we need to succeed in building both a major platform and key apps to improve our strategic position on the next platform. If we only build key apps but not the platform, we will remain in our current position [of being beholden to platform holders]. If we only build the platform but not the key apps, we may be in a worse position. We need to build both.”

“From a timing perspective, we are better off the sooner the next platform becomes ubiquitous and the shorter the time we exist in a primarily mobile world dominated by Google and Apple. The shorter this time, the less out community is vulnerable to the actions of others. Therefore, our goal is not only to win in VR / AR, but also to accelerate its arrival. This is part of my rationale for acquiring companies and increasing investment in them sooner rather than waiting until later to derisk them further. By accelerating this space, we are derisking our vulnerability on mobile.” "

And sorry here is another comment about FB wanting to Buy Unity ( true or not IDK )

I feel the email had much more serious implications, like his desire to acquire Unity and his borderline doomsday plan for the engine. Basically he sees how Google is controlling the net by heavily incentivising services into APIs that are widely used. What if you do that to a game engine, while crippling your competitors in the same engine?

I can understand Zuckerberg wanting to have complete market dominance since his competitors want to kill him off in the same exact way, but I can’t get behind that at all. And I don’t want to help create Web 3.0, v2 for something you should treat as a conceptually simple gaming accessory. No data harvesting, no nonsense. Just tech you can use.

Basically how I feel is that an immediate commercial success in this case doesn’t mean a successful grasp of the VR space. Most Quest users seem to begrudgingly use a Quest with plans to utterly leave the ecosystem. The VR software scene has a heavy drought Facebook won’t and can’t fix. Yet they want to take over the marketshare now, but not really accelerate anything other than price reduction. "

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The Oculus Quest 2 is standalone, so that graphics card in your computer isn’t going to affect it. MIGHT make development time faster though, depending on what you’re doing.