2D Game Kit Official Thread

The Content Team at Unity have been working on something we like to call a ‘Game Kit’. This is the first of two projects, one in 2D and one in 3D. This particular release is our 2D Game Kit.

You can find it here!

Use this thread for help and questions on the 2D Game Kit.

What is a Gamekit?

A project designed in such a way so that gameplay, art and puzzles can be created without using code in Unity. This project is perfect to get more familiar with Unity whether you’re an artist, designer or even just starting your game development journey.

Within the Kit you will find a collection of gameplay elements, tools and systems that can be hooked up without code. We’ve also created a small game example using this system.

What is it for?

We’re trying to provide Unity beginners, artists and designers a little more agency in the Editor without needing to code, while hopefully allowing you to get more familiar with how Unity works.

Where can I start?

Download the project off the Asset Store and open up the Getting Started guide or view it on our Learn site. Follow the steps to give you an idea of how things are put together, you can also play the game and start digging around who it’s made to get some ideas. There is more in depth documentation in the Reference Guide in the project and on our Learn site.

We also have a Live Session on using the Game Kit on the 21st of February you can view it here

So get creating and we hope you enjoy this Kit! A 3D version is coming our in the next few months.

Show us what you’ve made with it!


Hi, I have trouble downloading the 2D Game Kit. When I try to click “Download” nothing happens. What’s more, the mouse cursor immediately changes from “hand” to “arrow” when hovering over the button, as if the button was inactive. Please help.


Is this in the Asset Store in the editor?

this package is very good . i downloaded this package ONLY because of “Slope System” but , there are no slope system in this game package.

Yes, I try to download this package from the editor, as always.

Is there another way to download packages from Asset Store?

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so, i opened this on the editor but then it says i am offline and cant access it. please help. yeah, i am a total noob

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I got the error when I import the kit, my unity version is 2017.2.1f1, please help.

Assets/2DGamekit/Scripts/Utility/PrewarmDirector.cs(14,46): error CS1061: Type UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector' does not contain a definition for RebuildGraph’ and no extension method RebuildGraph' of type UnityEngine.Playables.PlayableDirector’ could be found. Are you missing an assembly reference?


What about mobile version. Please provide me details. How to convert into android version.


Read the actual Asset Store Description https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/essentials/tutorial-projects/2d-game-kit-beta-107098

This asset looks amazing, I’m starting with a small 2D project and I already have my 2D character, how can I replace Ellen with my own work?
I mean, I want to use this asset to create a game not only to see what Unity Team can did.



I am using the latest version of Unity this is what happen when I wanted to create new scene. I have tried reopening several times no helps.

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Do you plan to add the ladder in the near future?

Several other instructional pieces cover this topic in depth;

@shohan4556 I get a new scene when I create one. Does the game run correctly for you? Maybe delete the kit and re-add?

I have a question what is the license on this? For publishing a game?

Just updated to 2017.3.0f1 (Linux) to try this project out. - Launched it from the Learning tab on the launcher (vs importing the assets from the Asset Store).

Multiple Sprites are loading up as black in the scene/game view. But when I open the base file, it looks correct.

Attempted closing and re-opening Unity just retriggered the import process again to create the project - after loading no change.

Unity keeps crashing also when trying to navigate the scenes to see if I can ID what is causing it issues.

edit: found the Sprite issue → sRPG(Color Texture) box had to be uncheck most of the sprite and alpha had to be enabled.

got it running, but it had trouble holding a stable 60fps in the editor, not sure what it was doing to use up so many system resources that the frame rate was dropping.

sorry, I cant find the solution from the Asset Store Description, can you tell me directly?

I’m guessing your version of Unity (I got the error when I import the kit, my unity version is 2017.2.1f1, please help.) isn’t up to the required version, and is probably missing some of the features the new Unity version has that this 2dGame kit requires.


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Using the latest version of Unity (Version 2017.03 0f3)
Choose Start Scene then Run.

Started playing the game but it keeps on crashing :frowning: