A new Hub release is now available

A new Hub release is now available

We’re thrilled to announce that today we have released the latest version of Unity Hub (version 3.0). In this release, you’ll find an improved UX, workflow improvements, and new features — all designed to improve your productivity.

Before we jump into the details of this release: thank you to our beta users for sharing your feedback, thoughts, and ideas with us so that we can make sure we are meeting your needs and expectations.

What’s new in the Unity Hub?

The following list highlights some of the newest features and updates. For the full list of updates, take a look here.

Download Manager
The new Download Manager gives you increased control and information on your downloads to help you monitor progress, see additional download details and controls, and facilitate troubleshooting when you find errors.

Remote Project Management
Open and share remote projects for enhanced collaboration with your teammates.

Secure Standard Authentication
With this release, you’ll experience a more secure and standard web sign-in flow, which includes a one-time sign-in/out to access Unity Hub, Dashboard, and Editor through the browser.

New User Interface
Enjoy a new, modern look and feel - including a dark mode interface.

Hub Support for Linux
A more streamlined workflow has been created for Linux users to install and access the Unity Hub. Check out this post for more information.

Apple silicon Support
We have brought macOS development workflows natively to M1 with Editor support for Apple silicon. You can now access the Apple silicon builds directly from the Unity Hub. For more information, see here .

Getting started

New users

Existing Hub users

  • The Hub uses automatic updates so you should see a prompt to restart the Unity Hub to access the latest version. Follow the instructions and the latest version will be installed.

  • If you do not see this prompt, see this resource to review your configurations.

If you experience an issue, please file a bug report directly in the Hub by selecting your profile icon > Troubleshooting > Report a bug.

Stay tuned for what’s next

More information on the Unity Hub can be found in our documentation. Find out what we are working on and share your ideas with us by viewing the Unity Hub roadmap, or leave us your feedback here.


At last! :smile:

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I’m sorry @Gennady I don’t see this any ‘Apple Silicon’ native …
Am I missing something ?

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Tested on Windows 11

I upgraded to v3 this morning and it throws a critical error on launching the Hub, after clicking retry it just opens a blank non responsive screen:

I’ve tried uninstalling and re-installing and deleting the Unity Hub and UnityHub folder in “C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming”

solved… one of my projects was on a drive that could not be accessed on an external hard drive, once plugging it back in it worked.

Here it the error from the logs:
{“level”:“error”,“message”:“[\n "Error: UNKNOWN: unknown error, open …”

It does not recognize my personal license, it is not active, it does not work at all, when opening the editor, license error, unusable!.
manual activation does not work either.

Look for “Unity_lic.ulf” in your system. Quit the Hub from the tray first, delete the “Unity_lic.ulf” and then restart the Hub.

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Thank you very much, I already tried that but the folder even empty does not create a new license for me either automatically or manually, closing or uninstalling the hub, and I am not being able to return to the previous version of the hub either.
My internet and everything is correct but it does not activate me either manually or automatically, or reinstalling everything, the same


Congratulations, Unity! A new era has just started :smile:

Especially for us, Linux users! :smile:

Windows, Mac?

Did you really close the Hub from the tray? Restart your computer? Delete the “Unity Hub” folders entirely, including the “UnityHub” one before restarting the Hub? For Wndows, those are in AppData Local and or Roaming; I don’t know for Mac.

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This just auto updated whilst i was in the middle of a project.

The new hub doesn’t work for me. I just get a blank black screen.

I’m on OSX El Capitan.

How can i go back to the previous version of the hub? That was working fine. I really didn’t need an auto update at this time…

Thank you

I have the same issue, just a black screen , tried removing all unity hub related folders and restarting but it didn’t work.
Kinda wish I hadn’t updated. I am on Windows 10

It does not recognize my personal license, it is not active, it does not work at all, when opening the editor, license error, unusable!.
manual activation does not work either.

Unity HUB 3.0.0 does not seem like final and production ready, many users are reporting issues here, so I don’t want to update now, also I need to install HUB in a new Mac, is there any way to download the previous stable version 2.4.5?

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After asking you for literally years, you finally added a feature in Hub 2 that allowed us to automatically download a missing Unity version instead of having to go to the download archive.

That feature is the single reason I can see for the Hub actually existing.

As far as I can tell, you removed that feature for Hub 3.

Are you planning to bring it back? It’s not in the Roadmap.


I don’t get why it’s now out of Beta; by the number of problems we have it should have still be in the beta state.
Any ETA on the next update ?


Please bring us the ability to turn on Light Mode! I find dark mode difficult to read.


For anyone out there and for future users who are having problems with Unity Hub, this guide should square you away:

If you are in a Windows machine, you should do the following:

Delete Unity & Unity Hub from:

  • Program Files

  • Program Files (x86)

  • ProgramData (you should enable hidden files to see it)

  • C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Unity

  • C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\LocalLow\Unity

  • C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Roaming\Unity

  • You should also delete all Unity entries from the Registry.

Edit: Don’t forget also to clear all clear-able files possible, found in:

  • C:\Windows\Prefetch
  • C:\Windows\Temp
  • C:\Users\YourUsername\AppData\Local\Temp

Reboot your system and then do a clean reinstall of Unity Hub & Unity. The problems should be gone.

If you are on an OS other than Windows, see the guides for the respective system for where files are stored.


You can NOT download previous versions of Unity Hub, as Unity itself doesn’t provide links/archive to previous versions. You can Only install the latest version, 3.0.0 as of writing this post.


If only… mine was a brand new install (no previous user of Unity), fresh download, fresh everything. Upon first install, problem with the license activation as specified in the other topic. For the sake of thoroughness, I’ve uninstalled everything again, downloaded the Hub installer anew, started the whole process again. Same problem, cannot activate automatically, cannot activate manually. I’m on mac fwiw, but other people are having the same problem on different systems too. Bit of a shame that one cannot download a previously known-good version (from what I could gather v2 didn’t have that problem) when the new one is clearly flawed. Wish they would ETA or at least officially acknowledge that there’s a problem and that they’re actively working to solve it, but there’s been no word so far. Right now this piece of software is the digital equivalent of a paperweight, can’t do anything without an active license so…

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I couldn’t get the package manager to show “My Assets” so bounced the Unity Hub, as this has sometimes has fixed this problem and annoyingly the Unity Hub automatically installed this new version. Now I can’t access many of my purchased assets. They now show a red icon with and exclamation mark in them and show the message:-

" An error occurred - unable to get purchase details because you may not have purchased this package".

The asset I was trying the install failed to install properly and now when I try and use the Import button for that asset comes up with a message “Nothing to import - All assets for this package are already in your project” even though there is no trace of the asset in my project folder.

How can I get back to the older functioning version of Unity Hub? This is completely unworkable!

I am using a Mac.

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