Addressables GetDownloadSizeAsync returning wrong size

I am migrating my project from Unity 2022.3.28f1 to Unity 6.0.36f1.
migrating Addressable 1.22.2 to 2.3.16

A wrong calculation started to occur in the function Addressables.GetDownloadSizeAsync

I use this function to get the download size of label “DownloadContent”

Using Old Unity and Old Addressables

  • Addressables.GetDownloadSizeAsync("DownloadContent"): this return 96586979 bytes
  • Addressables.DownloadDependenciesAsync(key): this return 96586979 bytes
    • var download = mDownloadHandle.GetDownloadStatus();
    • download.TotalBytes == 96586979 bytes

Using New Unity and New Addressables

  • Addressables.GetDownloadSizeAsync("DownloadContent"): this return 399943181 bytes
  • Addressables.DownloadDependenciesAsync(key): this return 96586979 bytes
    • var download = mDownloadHandle.GetDownloadStatus();
    • download.TotalBytes == 96586979 bytes

The new return from GetDownloadSizeAsync is 399943181 bytes instead of 96586979 bytes

My code in two versions is thus:

public async Task<DownloadSizeResponse> GetDownloadSize(string key)
    mDownloadSizeHandle = Addressables.GetDownloadSizeAsync(key);
    await mDownloadSizeHandle.Task;

    return new DownloadSizeResponse()
        Size = mDownloadSizeHandle.Result,
        Success = mDownloadSizeHandle.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded

public async Task<bool> DownloadAssetAsync(string key, System.Action<float, long, long> progressCallBack)

    mDownloadHandle = Addressables.DownloadDependenciesAsync(key);

    int step = 0;
    int stepLimit = 2;
    long oldDownloadBytes = 0;

    while (mDownloadHandle.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.None && mDownloadHandle.IsValid())
        if (!mIsAlive)

        var download = mDownloadHandle.GetDownloadStatus();


        if (step > stepLimit && download.DownloadedBytes != oldDownloadBytes)
            progressCallBack.Invoke(download.Percent, download.DownloadedBytes, download.TotalBytes);
            step = 0;
            oldDownloadBytes = download.DownloadedBytes;

        await Task.Yield();

    var result = mDownloadHandle.Status == AsyncOperationStatus.Succeeded;


    return result;

Maybe the size returned by GetDownloadSizeAsync is returning the uncompressed size of bundles.

similar issue here: Unity Issue Tracker - Addressables return incorrect Download Size when using GetDownloadSizeAsync()