August 10, 2023, 8:56pm
Hi everyone!
I was doing the Creative Core: Animation tutorial “Refine your animation” with version 2022.3, and I got stuck in this step:
Right-click the middle keyframe and from the list go to Right Tangent > Linear.
When I right-click a keyframe, only the option “Add Key” appears.
The same happens when I create a script with an Animation Curve property and visually edit the curve in the Inspector.
This doesn’t happen in version 2021.3. In that version, a list with several options appears, including “Right Tangent”.
with version 2022.3,
Every day I see multiple posts in this forum hinting that 2022 really isn’t “all that LTS” as everybody thinks.
You may wish to fall back to 2021. We’re not able to update yet either and we have a huge team of people working on our libraries to make them 2022-ready.
Which one specifically? It is supposedly fixed in 2022.3.6f1. Is it not?
But also, don’t use 2022, it’s not ready.
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August 11, 2023, 6:28pm
Thank you all.
I was using 2022.3.4f1.
I’ll fall back to 2021.