Hey all, I created an Animation in the animation window (part of Unity) and the whole animation is 5.0 seconds long. It works perfect except The rotation goes on till 9.0 seconds. Which makes it not loop properly, Its like there is a key frame at the end and its waiting for it but when it reaches 9 it loops again. How do I get rid of these extra seconds? There is no key-frame, there is no key-frame it just ends… I have tried adding a key-frame at the end then deleting it but noting it just stays there please help, I really don’t want to have to have to start the whole animation again. thank you!
You should be able to delete it. Right click on the key and delete key. Or then drag it real close to the last one they will automatically fusion into one… But deleting should work. Works for me.
someone posted a workaround in this thread: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/131340-Reduce-animationclip-length
I’m an artist though
someone posted a workaround here: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/131340-Reduce-animationclip-length
I’m just an artist and I don’t know how to use the fix though. If anyone gets it working please post instructions, thanks!
you dont need code. go into the dope sheet and there will be keyframe markers at the end delete them and all is fixed
Go into the dope sheet and there will be keyframe markers at the end delete them and all is fixed
yes that works, but with a reimport the animation keys are returning.
So a better way is to script the delete.
But how to delete the keys via script?
regards Matthias