Arrow Keys Not Working in Mac Webplayers

I’m still getting this bug, with 2.0.2 builds, using the latest web plug-in.

Basically, a given project will support arrow-key control in the editor and in Windows webplayers, but not in Mac webplayers.

This has been discussed here previously and I know that I filed a bug report as recently as post 2.0.1.

Interesting…no problems with arrow keys in my Mac webplayers. I’m on a G5, 10.4.11, using Safari 3.


Hmmm, all of my Macs are Intel and have been for over a year now.

Maybe that’s part of the problem.

hm, strange have no problems with:
unity v2.0.2 → webplayers and arrowkeys

intel c2d osx 10.4.11 / safari 3

This is getting interesting, my MBP laptop doesn’t have this problem now apparently, at least since the 2.0.2 update.

But, my iMac still does. Unity webplayers otherwise work fine on it, but will not accept any keys for input control. And it doesn’t matter wether I use Safari or Firefox.

And note, it does this on any webplayer, not just those that I create.

For instance, if I go to one of the demos that use arrow keys to navigate at Discover the latest Unity demos and projects | Unity (i.e. Avert Fate, Island Demo), I cannot use my arrow keys either.

Not the this is only in Unity webplayers - Flash and Shockwave applets appear to hear all of my arrow keystrokes just fine.

This is most likely some incompatibility with a custom driver or some other software that hijacks HID input coming from keybards. We’ll follow up offline to figure out which software exactly causes this.

hm, have no problems with, arrows forward/backward, sidestep left/right works fine for me

im on intel_imac too (c2d osx10.4.11 - running unity v2.0.2 - safari 3) maybe is cos of leopard? or a third party software

I also have the keys not working issue.

This is for both the webplayer AND the standalones running on the same machine. I got it to work once after holding down the spacebar for a long time.

I can run everything fine… and this was all working with the Indie license. And my home computer with the Indie License run’s all well.

Then I upgraded to the pro package on my work computer (laptop) that used to have the Indie License on it. Now I can only use the keyboard keys in the Unity IDE. But the mouse works in the webplayer standalone. It’s kind of bad when I have to demo in the IDE.

I also tried installing the plugin again… nada.

[I am running a MacBookPro w/4 Gigs Memory on Leopard 10.5.2 on the latest version of Unity.]

Oops… I am also running on the last batch of Intel MacBookPro’s - Purchased on December 2007.

I’m still seeing this on my iMac - keys work in the editor but not in webplayer builds.

I’ve uninstalled every USB-involved driver on my system to no avail.

I created a new, bare-bones user on the system. Webplayer keystrokes worked on that profile for a few days, then went bad.

I can’t imagine more people aren’t seeing this problem.

I’m also seeing this error on mac clients running unity plugin 5.0.3f2. the left and right arrows work, but not up or down.

this game was created with unity 5.1.2f1. works fine on windows

the same mac clients can’t use up/down arrows in this game either :

guessing mac is not as popular for unity games?