Asset store and the new VAT EU law

I would like to know how VAT is handled for asset store sellers with the new VAT law as Unity says in the provider agreement that

“Provider is solely responsible for payment of any taxes, levies and VAT or the like on any payments it receives from Unity regardless of which taxing jurisdiction that has the authority to collect such taxes, levies and VAT or the like.”

If i understood it well if i sell something the VAT is not included so i get 70% of the price without VAT, and then i must pay VAT to the authorities of that 70%

VAT EU law makes that EU companies don’t pay VAT, so i must know who is a company and verify the VAT? or Unity gives that info?

But with the new law its worse as i must know from what country is the buyer as the VAT idepends on the EU country of the buyer, and i must have the info from 2 different sources. How can that be accomplished?? I dont even know if Unity provides that info, and if it does it would be just one source, unless i use PayPal, maybe i can get from them the other source? and if i dont use PayPal then would be impossible to accomplish the law?

Also i must keep data of the transaction for 10 years, so how is that done? Unity keeps that info for 10 years or i must hire a server to put that info there?

Also the invoice must be in the proper format of the buyer country, language included i assume, Unity gives that?

Some links of interest :

VAT is difficult.

From this
“Provider is solely responsible for payment of any taxes, levies and VAT or the like on any payments it receives from Unity regardless of which taxing jurisdiction that has the authority to collect such taxes, levies and VAT or the like.”

and some other stuff they sad it looks like there trying to jsut pass the book onto you by saying your the seller/supplier.

Now im not sure what law that breaks but this is from the UK VAT law which i would imagen s the same for all EU countries.
"If the platform operator identifies you as the seller but sets the general terms and conditions, or authorises payment, or handles delivery/download of the digital service, the platform is considered to be supplying the consumer. They are therefore responsible for accounting for the VAT payment that is charged to the consumer. "

so according to that Unity should be responsible but according to there documentation there saying there not hopefully its just out of date documentation can a member of unity staff confirm one way or another what this situation is regarding VAT?

other companies like google didn’t use to responsible but now say they have to be responsible due to the chanes in EU legislation

That is what i thought , that Unity tries to put the responsability on us when the most logical is that is that they assume that, getting the 30% cut they should do at least that. Or maybe it is not updated yet, but they should have done that.

From the official page, they say in the 3.4.1

“a business making apps available via a web site would be deemed to be the one selling those apps to the final customer and therefore responsible for the VAT and not the business that owns the app (content owner).”

Though there are some exceptions to that presumption that are not met in this case as says that there are certain conditions for that like :
“the taxable person taking part in the supply does not authorise the charge to the customer (it means for instance that the app store is not responsible for the payment between the final consumer and the content owner of the app);”

In this case Unity is obviously responsible for the payment between the final consumer and the content owner of the app

This is in
If click on the icon to the right can choose the language

In english is :

Also noticed that in your message you say it is in the UK law " They are therefore responsible for accounting for the VAT payment that is charged to the consumer." but in this case Unity seems not to charge the VAT to consmers according to the prrovider EULA i mentioned before and also i see they say in the asset store “All prices are exclusive of VAT”.
Seems that they simply dont charge any VAT to the consumer and that VAT must be paid frojm the 70% cut given to the app owner

But Unity then if wanted to be responsible of the VAT as the eu page says has to be would have to pay the VAT from its 30% cut, meaning that just would get a around a 5% in some cases. It is best charge that to the owner that after getting the 70% has to pay around a 25% for VAT and around a 20% for the taxes(VAT and taxes are calculated from the 100% and not from the 70% i think), at least in my country, in others can be even worse, so finally the content owner would get around a 25%, even less than Unity, its sad. Actually in my country i would have to pay also 250€ every month for social security tax to completely be in the law, which would mean maybe lose money. hahaha, this is pathetic. I am not sure if some of my numbers can be wrong, if it is so i would be happy.

Just verified the publisher administrator account and i dont see any place where the country of the buyer is shown, so if Unity makes providers charge the VAT, they must know the country of the buyer as later must pay for it to the tax office, providers would be out of the new law atm if that info is not given, though the VAT should not be charged to the application owner with the new law anyway…

Hello I am using asset store assets just for personal use not for commercial should I be concerned about this VAT tax
Plz help

This is an issue for the people selling the assets, not buying them. It is not a problem for you.