Asset Store prices changed?

I don’t know if this is just happening for me, but just now, I can see that the Asset Store, is being priced in euros instead of the normal dollars? What is this nonsense?

I was going to buy this Asset (Probuilder Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making) for $95, that It costed. But now I see it cost €90.25 which is really really weird!

Could anyone help me?

The price is actually the same. For Europe you have to add VAT, independent of currency. Unity currently does convert 1 US-$ to 0.76 Euro.

So, 95 $ equals 72.20 Euro, with 25% VAT added this sums up to 90.25 Euro.

You would be charged the same if you’d pay in US-$. Depending on your method of payment, using your local currency might be a tiny bit cheaper in credit card fees. However, the exchange rate used by your bank might also be a bit different.

Happy shopping!

If you open the Asset store in Unity it should show you local currency …

Did you open it in a browser ?