Hey guys, does anyone know if there is a way to contact Asset store team for some support? The asset store admin is the only email i have, but so far i havent been lucky with response. Is there another way to contact them directly?
Do you need support with the Asset Store functionality itself or with an asset you bought on the store?
Tony its kinda in between. Its actually my asset (publisher) that somehow got broken without me submitting any changes, so i would like to ask them how to proceed. Probably more of a functiionality question.
I’ve always emailed assetstore@unity3d.com and had good luck.
unity asset store very worst. I have purchased asset 2650 rupees. But status pending unable to download or access the asset. when it get update. Already 1 week gone. I sent lot of mails but no response.
turn off your VPN - if possible, at all
also don’t post to unrelated threads, rather open new topic if you have separate issue
It’s possible someone in the community has had the issue, so I would consider asking in the Asset Store Publisher forum or on the official Unity Discord.