(BOLT Realtime C# Generation) code arming display

Sorry if there is a similar topic, but my low English I do not detect anything in the forum.

A few months ago BOLT promised to show the code that was being put together while you were creating graphs.

I would like to know if this is on the roadmap, or where it was?

Seeing the code that is put together while you work, would be the difference between competitors, and it would be a great door for people who are starting in programming. Because we learn to program parallel to work time.

old article: Bolt 2: First Look | Ludiq Blog - Ludiq

That is not on the table, it’s labeled as researchable in the future, but not something that is promised to happen.

I have just submitted my C# generation Library to the Community repository last night, and began implementing assets with it. At this point you can create data classes/Structs, wrapped delegates, and Enums to code that is intended to work perfectly with Unity VS.

I do have a 30% complete implementation of node to C# gen as well, and I’m assuming it’ll eventually make it’s way in their. At the least, to generate and Preview super units. Right now getting the current version tested is priority, but it’s something I’ll probably get back to real soon.

Here is an old image from where I last left off in an old version called UAlive, just a lot will be changed to be simplified for the Community Add-ons, as this was intended to be something much crazier, that I couldn’t safely pull off with all the changes after Bolt was acquired. Just waiting for the next versions with the new runtime. Which may drastically alter the current node generators.


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I’m going to check it out, thank you very much