How many users just don’t send bug reports because of the way the bug reporter is designed? Or because their project is too big? Or under an NDA? etc.
It would be good if, on top of the existing mechanism, users could allow automatic crash reports to be sent to Unity - it would just include basic system info(model, CPU, GPU, RAM), Unity editor info (version, manifest) and if possible the relevant crash log.
That way Unity would be aware of precisely how often various editor / package combos crash instead of relying on users spending ages to prepare a report. And it would be easier to redirect QA efforts and glean insights e.g “users on Unity 2020.1.2 using Burst 1.2.3 are experiencing crashes at a much higher rate than users with that same editor version who are using Burst 1.2.2 instead” (not a true example).
it could also help inform priorities for Unity… “Should we be working on this new shiny thing considering our users are experiencing 2 crashes an hour on average? Or should we put that aside for now and focus on stability?”
Failing that, or on top of that…
Unity should reward users who submit bug reports with asset store credit or with access to some of the new paid features, if those bugs are indeed confirmed.