Hello, Just finished my first tool for the asset store, I want to make a guide with examples and upload them on youtube and add those youtube links to the asset store.
Will I be allowed to use other Assets (Art-Assets), to help make my examples for the youtube video? Or is this illegal?
To answer your question - you can’t distribute things you do not own rights to. However Unity generally allows it’s own assets that are free to be redistributed in assets for demonstrative purposes. You’ll notice robot Kyle scattered all over Asset demos.
If your video is of a Unity project using those assets, then yes, those assets are licensed for use in a Unity project, videoing that project in use is legitimate.
If your video uses those assets outside Unity, (ie you took an Asset, into a non-Unity program to use) then no, not without additional permission from the asset creator.
If there’s any doubt, get permission from the asset creator first.