Can't fill ads until my account is approved

I signed up in Level Play 2 days ago but still my account is “pending of approval”. Sent yesterday a ticket about it but no response. I can’t even test the integration because no ad is filled due to the lack of approval.

How much time does the approval take?

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I probably waited for a month.

Moreover, for now, the app must be published in app stores before customizing the integration.

Well, one month is insane, the app is published one year ago. Other ad mediations approve the account in 24h or less

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Do a search of these discussion boards (and old forum topics) and you will find many people saying that they integrated the package, published to the app stores and then later GOT REJECTED [by IronSource] because the app was [paraphrased] “not a fit for what we’re looking for”.

So not professional. I hope this has changed or will change in the near future as Unity continues to get their house in order.

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