hi, im trying to make a lobby broser with facepunch.steamworks, i have this function that creates a lobby with Gameid unique to the game name set with SetData:
public async void StartHost(uint maxMembers)
NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientConnectedCallback += OnClientConnectedCallback;
NetworkManager.Singleton.OnClientDisconnectCallback += OnClientDisconnectCallback;
NetworkManager.Singleton.OnServerStarted += OnServerStarted;
CurrentLobby = await SteamMatchmaking.CreateLobbyAsync((int)maxMembers);
CurrentLobby.Value.SetData("game_id", "TOFLOATBOAT");
then i have this next function that searches for that lobby using the same gameid:
public async Task<bool> RefreshLobbies(int maxResults = 5)
var findLobbiesQuery = new LobbyQuery();
findLobbiesQuery.WithKeyValue("game_id", "TOFLOATBOAT");
var lobbies = await Task.Run(() => findLobbiesQuery.RequestAsync());
if (lobbies != null)
for (int i = 0; i < lobbies.Length; i++)
return true;
catch (System.Exception ex)
Debug.Log("Error fetching lobbies", this);
Debug.LogException(ex, this);
return false;
My steam app ID is set to 480, so when I remove the specific game ID filter in the refresh lobbies function I can see other developers lobbies, but when I do it with the game ID filter I can’t find anything even when hosting the same game on another computer, is this because I need to get my own steam app ID first?
Any help is appreciated!