Can't look up with free look camera while object its following is falling or moving fast

Hey team, I’m having a problem with my free look camera. I have it all setup how I want it for camera control and player movement control etc. However I have just found a problem with not being able to look up or down while my character that it is set to follow is either falling or moving away from it at any decent speed. I’m making a 3rd person game that relies heavily on movement via grappling hooks to pull/swing the player forward, and it seems that when I’m grappling forward at an increased rate I loose the ability to look up and down as the free look camera tries to keep up. Left and right still seems fine, but it feels like the angle that I have to look up and down while I’m standing still or moving at a normal speed gets really narrow while the camera lags behind during the grapple pull. I have also noticed this when My character falls from a height where it seems my camera gets locked from looking any higher than the horizontal plane as the player falls and pulls the camera with him. Is this a setting that I’m missing or is there a problem with my code or something like a clock mismatch? I have a bit of animation stutter while I walk around at normal speed as well so I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a problem with my code. Its a nice visual feature having the camera lag further behind while the player accelerates forward but it seems to be affecting my ability to look around properly. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

What version of Cinemachine are you using?

version 2.6.0

Ah yes, the FreeLook has a damping bypass implemented for the horizontal angle, but not for the vertical.

Have you tried replacing the FreeLook with a simple vcam with FramingTransposer in Body and POV in Aim? For that combo, make sure to set this option in Framing Transposer:


Thanks, that worked perfectly. problem solved. Edit. actually sorry just noticed the camera doesn’t remain focused on the player with this setup. I think it is definitely free look camera that I need. It appears to do what I want so long as my player isn’t going too fast. Is there a setting that can make the camera keep up a bit better and less like its on a bungy chord.


any news if FreeLook camera will one day work with fast moving objects?

I’d like to know how to do this as well.

The problem is because the damping allows the target to move away from the camera, and the camera never catches up so long as the target keeps moving. One possible solution would be to turn down the damping, or to make a custom script (or visual script) that scales down the FreeLook’s Z damping when the target speed increases.

@Gregoryl thanks for the info. I’m also making a game with a lot of fally/jumpy third person gameplay so would love to hear more about how to manipulate the FreeLook’s z damping if possible. With Cinemachine being a package it’s not obvious how to get in and manipulate it via script.

In the CM samples there is a Scripting scene that illustrates how to get in and fiddle with the settings via script.