Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0

I am trying to run my server (server-linux-x64 build) in linux ubuntu 18.04, but it crashes with this error
how could i solve this?

in windows 10, everything works normally

unity version: 2019.4.3f1

Can you post the entire log or send me a DM with the entire log.

I had the same issue. I have been send the bug report, but I don’t receive any answer!

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Do you happen to have the bug number ?

@andrews_unity I have the same issue. Any news on this?

Looks to be the same as: linux run as server output error like this.

We have a similar problem:

Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0 addr:0x10
Obtained 12 stack frames.
#0 0x007fb61b3cc630 in _L_unlock_13
#1 0x007fb616fb5ac0 in _nv043glcore
#2 0x007fb616ea2abe in _nv016glcore
#3 0x007fb616ea3418 in _nv016glcore
#4 0x007fb616ead165 in _nv016glcore
#5 0x007fb616f96408 in _nv043glcore
#6 0x007fb61701a618 in _nv043glcore
#7 0x007fb616ab86d8 in _nv023glcore
#8 0x007fb616ab9850 in _nv023glcore
#9 0x007fb61c49a341 in ComputeShader::smile:ispatchComputeShader(unsigned int, int, int, int, ShaderPassContext*)
#10 0x007fb61c68aeb1 in ComputeShader_CUSTOM_Dispatch(ScriptingBackendNativeObjectPtrOpaque*, int, int, int, int)
#11 0x000000409f79b5 in (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.ComputeShader:smile:ispatch (UnityEngine.ComputeShader,int,int,int,int)
[ ~]$ Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0 addr:0x10

happens on a g4dn.xlarge aws instance running these drivers: NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-450.51.05-grid-aws.

Did you guys figure this out? Have the same issue :frowning:

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Ugh, I’ve encountered the exact same thing. The app works fine on macOS and Windows, but fails on Linux.

I had hoped there would be a fix for this. As current deadlines are not going to allow me to wait on a fix I will just have to move on. But the output I got is at this link until the end of February 2021.!Apo2rVWlZg0qiP8zEFLIFmphGppcEw?e=SHLfkZ

Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries
used by your application.

Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0 addr:0x8
Obtained 9 stack frames.
#0 0x007fdeb861fd80 in funlockfile
#1 0x007fdeb94aa13a in GfxDeviceGLES::smile:rawIndexedNullGeometry(GfxPrimitiveType, GfxBuffer*, int, int, int)
#2 0x007fdeb94618c0 in GfxDeviceWorker::RunCommand(ThreadedStreamBuffer&)
#3 0x007fdeb94630d4 in GfxDeviceWorker::RunCommand(ThreadedStreamBuffer&)
#4 0x007fdeb94658bb in GfxDeviceWorker::RunExt(ThreadedStreamBuffer&)
#5 0x007fdeb945b985 in GfxDeviceWorker::RunGfxDeviceWorker(void*)
#6 0x007fdeb98660ea in Thread::RunThreadWrapper(void*)
#7 0x007fdeb86152de in start_thread
#8 0x007fdeb8345a63 in clone

I got some insight into this after cycling through hardware configurations. It occurs when I se a P2000 series Quadro card. On a computer that successfully ran my app I exchanged the card (Quadro P5000, GTX 1080Ti, GTX 970…) with the Quadro P2000 or P2200 the error would occur.

I looked up the specs on the cards. The P2200 gas 1024 core . The other cards have 2,000+ cores. For the application in question, the video memory usage peaked at 900 megs (including what the OS was already using).

Hy everyone sorry for the late response. I had the same issue and i fixed it buy going to build settings → player settings → change the code of the export format from Mono to il2cpp


Has anyone found a real solution to this? I am attempting to test AWS EC2 Free Tier Micro Instance and am encountering this error when starting a fishnet server. There is no stack track and shows this when i attempt to run via xvfb-run

/usr/bin/xvfb-run: line 181: 1638 Segmentation fault DISPLAY=:$SERVERNUM XAUTHORITY=AUTHFILE "@" 2>&1

If I run the x86_64 straight up I receive this
Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0 addr:0x50

Also have issues with this. Getting error: “Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0 addr:0x40”
@imjustthatguy1 what version of unity are you running?
Im running Unity 2021.3.6f1
Dedicated Server Build for Linux on an AWS M6A machine

I keep having this issue myself, in 2022.1.14f1. Pretty much, I hit play on just a GUI pack demo… and about 2 minutes later it just goes boom. I’m currently uploading a bug report. If you need specs / information, I’ll do my best to help!


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Getting a consistent crash on Linux Ubuntu 20.04 using Unity 2021.3.11. Seems to happen when calling SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync as a response to a click on a button. Wondering if this is related?

Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0 addr:0x29c Obtained 9 stack frames.
#0  0x007fbb4fac8420 in funlockfile
#1  0x007fbb50e51777 in std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>, float>, std::allocator<std::pair<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>, float> > >::_M_default_append(unsigned long)
#2  0x007fbb50e5263e in std::vector<std::pair<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>, float>, std::allocator<std::pair<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>, float> > >::_M_default_append(unsigned long)
#3  0x007fbb508857e7 in int* std::_V2::__rotate<int*>(int*, int*, int*, std::random_access_iterator_tag)
#4  0x007fbb508857a2 in int* std::_V2::__rotate<int*>(int*, int*, int*, std::random_access_iterator_tag)
#5  0x007fbb50885a8c in int* std::_V2::__rotate<int*>(int*, int*, int*, std::random_access_iterator_tag)
#6  0x007fbb50ab6d62 in PlayerMain(int, char**)
#7  0x007fbb4f8e6083 in __libc_start_main
#8  0x00000000201029 in (Unknown)
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i have same issue. i opened new empty project then build on Linux Dedicated Server in Unity 2021LTS. i uploaded to server (CentOS). give execute permission, than run. here is the error:

Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0 addr:0x38
Obtained 10 stack frames.
#0 0x007efd729da630 in _L_unlock_13
#1 0x007efd74632b00 in Shader::GetName() const
#2 0x007efd73eaf524 in Material::BuildProperties()
#3 0x007efd73eae8aa in InitializeDefaultMaterial()
#4 0x007efd73a742aa in CallbackArray::Invoke()
#5 0x007efd73e430fd in InitializeEngineGraphics(bool)
#6 0x007efd73e5132a in PlayerInitEngineGraphics(bool)
#7 0x007efd7401f0e3 in PlayerMain(int, char**)
#8 0x007efd7261f555 in __libc_start_main
#9 0x00561f690e1029 in _start
Segmentation fault

Thank you! This worked for me.

I have same issue.
Unity 2021.3.28.

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
pid: 0, tid: 27000 >>><<<

  #00  pc 0x000000000057f800  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (Shader::GetName() const)
  #01  pc 0x000000000013a4f5  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (Material::BuildProperties(bool))
  #02  pc 0x000000000013acd5  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (Material::AwakeFromLoad(AwakeFromLoadMode))
  #03  pc 0x000000000013b0d9  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (Material* CreateObjectFromCode<Material>(AwakeFromLoadMode, MemLabelId))
  #04  pc 0x0000000000139e83  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (InitializeDefaultMaterial())
  #05  pc 0x00000000000bd8e7  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (CallbackArray::Invoke())
  #06  pc 0x00000000001180b1  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (InitializeEngineGraphics(bool))
  #07  pc 0x000000000011eba7  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (PlayerInitEngineGraphics(bool))
  #08  pc 0x00000000001f6bff  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (UnityInitApplication())
  #09  pc 0x00000000001f77d9  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (UnityPlayerLoop())
  #10  pc 0x0000000000207da9  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (nativeRender(_JNIEnv*, _jobject*))
  #11  pc 0x00000000003c1b9d  /apex/ (art_quick_generic_jni_trampoline+44)
  #12  pc 0x00000000000f0dec  /apex/ (nterp_helper+2908)
  #13  pc 0x00000000000e5a5c  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer.access$500)
  #14  pc 0x00000000000f02c8  /apex/ (nterp_helper+56)
  #15  pc 0x00000000000e507c  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$e$1.handleMessage+252)
  #16  pc 0x000000000094b823  /data/misc/apexdata/ (android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage+122)
  #17  pc 0x000000000094eb87  /data/misc/apexdata/ (android.os.Looper.loopOnce+886)
  #18  pc 0x000000000094e72b  /data/misc/apexdata/ (android.os.Looper.loop+1034)
  #19  pc 0x00000000000f033c  /apex/ (nterp_helper+172)
  #20  pc 0x00000000000e5478  /data/app/~~ZwtMI4MGgj2FU1ZM_yhskQ==/ (com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer$
  #21  pc 0x00000000003bd1d5  /apex/ (art_quick_invoke_stub_internal+68)
  #22  pc 0x00000000003bcc77  /apex/ (void art::quick_invoke_reg_setup<false>(art::ArtMethod*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::Thread*, art::JValue*, char const*) (.__uniq.192663596067446536341070919852553954320.llvm.16200230356545185596)+158)
  #23  pc 0x000000000028a4c5  /apex/ (art::ArtMethod::Invoke(art::Thread*, unsigned int*, unsigned int, art::JValue*, char const*)+136)
  #24  pc 0x0000000000313969  /apex/ (art::(anonymous namespace)::InvokeWithArgArray(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, art::ArtMethod*, art::(anonymous namespace)::ArgArray*, art::JValue*, char const*) (.__uniq.245181933781456475607640333933569312899.llvm.2586733929373010981)+40)
  #25  pc 0x0000000000313875  /apex/ (art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues<art::ArtMethod*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, art::ArtMethod*, jvalue const*)+164)
  #26  pc 0x000000000033a3af  /apex/ (art::JValue art::InvokeVirtualOrInterfaceWithJValues<_jmethodID*>(art::ScopedObjectAccessAlreadyRunnable const&, _jobject*, _jmethodID*, jvalue const*)+42)
  #27  pc 0x00000000002f0625  /apex/ (art::Thread::CreateCallback(void*)+416)
  #28  pc 0x00000000000ade0b  /apex/ (__pthread_start(void*)+40)
  #29  pc 0x0000000000063e73  /apex/ (__start_thread+30)

I have a kind of similar issue :

Error getting system window info: Invalid window
Unsupported windowing backend 0
Caught fatal signal - signo:11 code:1 errno:0 addr:(nil)

IL2CPP isn’t an option for me actually, if you have any clue ?

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We had a similar issue in IL2CPP runtime. The reason was code stripping/AOT. Usually the error is more explicit in this case, but this time it was a segfault.