There’s an incredibly large list of new and improved features.
New open API, able to drive practically anything in Cinemachine by code
Collision component. Keeps cameras from getting stuck in the world. Preserves compositional intention
Improvements to free-look
Improvements to Orbital Transposer. New follow modes. Super easy to make great follow cameras.
New Cinemachine Cloud - the ability to call a Cloud shot and have it pick the best camera from all the child shots + priority + random. This feature is really quite powerful. Shot evaluation !
New Composer layout, the same functionality but with less controls, easier to animate in Timeline.
Smart update awareness. CM looks at how the target is animated and sets its own update method to best suit the target. If something is animated with fixed update, CM will adapt, if something is animated with late update, CM will adapt per shot. Differing types even blend together.
Post Process Stack support. Custom PostFX per shot including autofocus to drive the DOF plus and offset control you can animate for rack focus / human errror mistakes mojo
New SmartFOV feature. Ability to preserve the size of subjects on screen. IE cutting between head shots will keep the heads the same size on screen even if the characters or camera move
Everything CM animates in Timeline. Super east to do really complex shots with shifting composition, position and FOV. FAST FAST to use.
Spline based camera dolly ! Animate the camera position on the dolloy or have it ‘auto follow’ for gameplay / trough type scenarios (it even looks like a dolly track, we geeked out)
Are there delegates for OnTimelinePlay, OnTimelineEnded or something similar to know when timeline ended?
How can one change target object of a track with script ?
Is there something like Event track or how can i trigger an event ?
edit: sorry this is not correct thread, should ask this somewhere in timeline threads
The examples seem to be the old ones. Tried to understand clouds: dropped in a custom blend containing a few virtual cameras all aiming at the cube, look at set to the cube, press play, moved the cube by hand so it moves closer to certain virtucams, nothing, the view still shows the same virtucam.
The noise definition is an position and an orientation array, what do each element represent?
Naming: in the inspector the component that does the cinemaching stuff is called Cinemachine Brain, when I add a component and type “Cine” there are no brain or camera, just post vfx. when i type brain brain shows up but when i add it it’s now called cinemachine brain. You need to keep the component naming consistent to Cinemachine ***
The blending between shots in Timeline works really well, you guys did some rotation magic in there! Only gripe is adding shots should be drag and drop.
Cloud cameras - the child cameras - need a Collider component on them. It does the shot evaluation work. Add a Cinemachine Collider component to all the Cloud’s sub cameras.
Noise allows for multiple orientation or position layers and will combine them. Inside each is a frequency and amplitude per axis. By layering low, medium and high frequency functions, you can create pretty believable motion. There’s some presets in there to get you started.
Agreed on consistent naming.
The blending math is pretty bananas. Try tracking something right overhead. No gimbal lock. GregoryL is a fine wizard. A lot of time has been spent on the blending math, you have no idea.
Drag and drop - we totally agree, it’s being worked on by the Timeline team.
Hi guys,
We have some problems with Cinemachine. We try install Unity from this link, Windows version, latest 5.6.0f3 and add Cinemachine 1.5 and 2.0. But we always have the same bugs. Image below.
Any ideas how to solve it?
Unity changed some Playables API in 2017.1b4 and Cinemachine 2.0 uses the newest API aswell, if you want to test Cinemachine 2.0 you need at least Unity 2017.1b4.
Cinemachine is a masterpiece. I use it all the time
The new features are insane! I need more time to capture the whole magnificence!
Cinemachine rocks - just starting using it and loving it.
Main bit of feedback so far - any way to make simple pans across objects easier would be amazing! I tried all manner of composing modes, following paths, animating a look at target etc but all of those didn’t work for various reasons. I understand it’s a hard problem but with an object on a table, transitioning between two cameras looking straight down with just a difference on the x-axis, the camera rotated randomly and with the case of an animated lookat target, juddered.
In the end I made two separate virtual cameras, pointed them in the desired direction, gave them a new post fx component and created a duplicate postprocessing asset with a fixed focal distance. Which is fine except the auto focus distance is really nice and means I can freely move my cams around without changing the post asset (plus not having to duplicate grading changes across both etc). Perhaps a Virtual Camera could have an override for the focal distance? A ‘Focus On’ transform separate from a ‘Look At’ might be nice except with a pan across, you’d have to animate the focus target which is a nuisance for such a simple move. Perhaps you folks can come up with a better solution?
Please keep up the awesome work and apologies if any of the above didn’t make sense or I missed an obvious solution!
(Edited: Originally I thought there was a problem with activating a gameobject at the same time as crossfading cameras but I had mistakenly added a normal camera to said gameobject… dumbass :))
@conr4d The messages are coming from the Timeline integration portion of Cinemachine. Your version of Unity does not have Timeline support. To use Cinemachine with a non-timeline Unity, just delete (i.e. don’t import) Cinemachine/Timeline.
I think Adam made a brain-fart here. I believe he meant to say Add a Cinemachine/Collider component to the cloud’s sub-cameras.
Alternatively, if you don’t need different settings for the different cloud children, you could add a single Collider to the cloud itself. It will apply to all the children.
Love it! I tried it without reading any documentation first and just fooled around a little to get a feel for it. I find it super intuitive to use so far. Two things I noticed immediately on my first test, though:
Is there a way to also display dopesheet in the timeline instead of just the curves or is it supposed to work with an animation window open parallel to it?
I found that particle system while they can be turned on and off super easy - they won’t display the particles in the scene view. Is this by design or can this be enabled somewhere?
I think your main problem is that you’re trying to control down-looking cameras. Cinemachine is designed to mimic the behaviour of human camera operators, standing in a world where gravity points down. They use the down direction as input for interpreting the composition rules that you give them. To make a long story short: they don’t like looking straight up or straight down. They will do it in passing, but if you want to have good control over how they do it, you will need to help them out.
The easiest way to do that is to redefine the Down direction for them. This should be perpendicular to the direction in which they will normally, on average, be looking. If you look at the inspector for CinemachineBrain, you will find a WorldUp field. Point that to a game object in your scene, and the virtual cameras will use that object’s Up vector as their world Up. Choose an appropriate up, and I think you will find that your camera moves work better in your environment.
Once you have defined a good Up, your pan can be accomplished either by animating a lookAt target, or by animating the composer’s settings on the vcam (animate the screen X field). You can do a dolly (changing the vcam’s X pos) either by animating the vcam’s position, or by having it follow an animated object. Alternatively, using the new Dolly vcam body controller, you can dolly along a CinemachinePath that you have built.
Blending between different statically-positioned vcams is also an option for a camera move.
Judder should never happen. I’d like to know more about what you did to produce it.
Thanks again for your valuable feedback, we really appreciate it.
For some reason, the viewport rect of the main camera is always visible in my scene view after I add my first Cinemachine virtual camera to a scene. Is there a way to disable this? I find it distracting, to say the least.
I am current exprimenting timeline & cinemachine on 2017 beta and working on cutscene with Slate in 5.6.
There is a “animate on path feature” that can keyframe the object’s position on designated path, with this feature the user can assign a path to camera, and control it’s movement on path in the cutscene. But with timeline and cinemachine dolly track I have not find away to control the position of virtual camera on the track. Is there a way to achieve the same “animate on path” function?