custom render pass, don't render anything

I test custom render use the sample, HDRP-Custom-Passes/Assets/Scenes/CameraDepthBaking/CameraDepthBake.cs at master · alelievr/HDRP-Custom-Passes · GitHub.
sample work correct, but because i want use my custom shader, so i can’t use the RenderDepthFromCamera api, then i change the src code from

// Depth
        if (depthTexture != null)
            CustomPassUtils.RenderDepthFromCamera(ctx, bakingCamera, depthTexture, ClearFlag.Depth, bakingCamera.cullingMask, overrideRenderState: overrideDepthTest);


        // Depth
        if (depthTexture != null)
            //CustomPassUtils.RenderDepthFromCamera(ctx, bakingCamera, depthTexture, ClearFlag.Depth, bakingCamera.cullingMask, overrideRenderState: overrideDepthTest);

            var filterSettings = new FilteringSettings(RenderQueueRange.opaque);

            // Create the draw render settings
            // note that it takes a shader pass name
            var drawingSettings = new DrawingSettings();
            drawingSettings.SetShaderPassName(0, new ShaderTagId("DepthOnly"));

            // enable instancing for the draw call
            drawingSettings.enableInstancing = true;

            // pass light probe and lightmap data to each renderer
            drawingSettings.perObjectData = PerObjectData.None;

            ctx.renderContext.DrawRenderers(ctx.cullingResults, ref drawingSettings, ref filterSettings);


it don’t render anything now, why?
how could i debug it, know the reason, thanks.

I upload the code and test scene, create a hdrp project, copy CameraDepthBaking folder to assets folder, open the CameraDepthBaking/test scene, unity version 2021.3.15f1c1.

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