Cutout Texture Flickering/Curved effect with Camera movement

The following effect has been driving me insane.

That is. With distance and camera movement, the texture starts to shimmer and curve up. It’s really glaring.

I’ve tried all I can think of to alleviate how obvious this effect is. Including messing with the camera planes, adjusting the alpha channel of the texture, and increasing the shadow draw distance. While some parts look nicer as a result, the curved flickering remains always. It’s gotten to the point where I’ve started considering reducing the smoothness of other areas in the scene to make the ugliness of anything using this texture look less glaring in comparison.

While I realize that it’s never gonna look as nice from a distance, there has to be something I’m missing, that may alleviate this greatly.

So far, my frantic searches for an answer have yielded nothing relevant to this particular problem.

@Smidgens do you have generate MipMaps checked on in your texture import settings? It should alleviate the problem. You are trying to push a lot of detail in a small amount of screen space from so far away and this is exactly what mip mapping handles best, you may also want to look into reducing the frequency of the texture as well.