Distorted procedural LOD mesh

hello, i have been following a tutorial on procedural planets which i almost completed, and i have been trying to add a level of detail system (LOD) but im having issues with chunk generation, the verts and triangles are getting distorted when the chunks are generated and dont know why i get this problem, have been working on it for hours and im really starting to get frustrated, here is the code and image:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class TerrainFace

    public Chunk[] children;
    public Chunk parent;
    public Vector3 position;
    public float radius;
    public int detailLevel;
    ShapeGenerator shapeGenerator;
    Mesh mesh;
    int resolution;
    Vector3 localUp;
    Vector3 axisA;
    Vector3 axisB;

    public TerrainFace(ShapeGenerator shapeGenerator, Mesh mesh, int resolution, Vector3 localUp, float radius)
        this.shapeGenerator = shapeGenerator;
        this.mesh = mesh;
        this.resolution = resolution;
        this.localUp = localUp;
        this.radius = radius;

        axisA = new Vector3(localUp.y, localUp.z, localUp.x);
        axisB = Vector3.Cross(localUp, axisA);

    public void ConstructMesh()
        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[resolution * resolution];
        int[] triangles = new int[(resolution - 1) * (resolution - 1) * 6];
        int triIndex = 0;

        for (int y = 0; y < resolution; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < resolution; x++)
                int i = x + y * resolution;
                Vector2 percent = new Vector2(x, y) / (resolution - 1);
                Vector3 pointOnUnitCube = localUp + (percent.x - .5f) * 2 * axisA + (percent.y - .5f) * 2 * axisB;
                Vector3 pointOnUnitSphere = pointOnUnitCube.normalized;
                vertices[i] = shapeGenerator.CalculatePointOnPlanet(pointOnUnitSphere);

                if (x != resolution - 1 && y != resolution - 1)
                    triangles[triIndex] = i;
                    triangles[triIndex + 1] = i + resolution + 1;
                    triangles[triIndex + 2] = i + resolution;

                    triangles[triIndex + 3] = i;
                    triangles[triIndex + 4] = i + 1;
                    triangles[triIndex + 5] = i + resolution + 1;
                    triIndex += 6;
        mesh.vertices = vertices;
        mesh.triangles = triangles;

    // Construct a quadtree of chunks (even though the chunks end up 3D, they start out 2D in the quadtree and are later projected onto a sphere)
    public void ConstructTree()
        // Generate chunks
        Chunk parentChunk = new Chunk(null, null, localUp.normalized * Planet.size, radius, 0, localUp, axisA, axisB);
        //vertices and triangles
        List<Vector3> vertices = new List<Vector3>(mesh.vertices);
        List<int> triangles = new List<int>(mesh.triangles);

        // Get chunk mesh data
        int triangleOffset = vertices.Count;
        foreach (Chunk child in parentChunk.GetVisibleChildren())
            (Vector3[], int[]) verticesAndTriangles = child.CalculateVerticesAndTrianglesOfChunk(triangleOffset);
            triangleOffset += verticesAndTriangles.Item1.Length;
        mesh.vertices = vertices.ToArray();
        mesh.triangles = triangles.ToArray();
        mesh.RecalculateNormals(); // Perform heavy calculations once


public class Chunk
    public Chunk[] children;
    public Chunk parent;
    public Vector3 position;
    public float radius;
    public int detailLevel;
    public Vector3 localUp;
    public Vector3 axisA;
    public Vector3 axisB;
    // Constructor
    public Chunk(Chunk[] children, Chunk parent, Vector3 position, float radius, int detailLevel, Vector3 localUp, Vector3 axisA, Vector3 axisB)
        this.children = children;
        this.parent = parent; // Not currently used but might be in the future
        this.position = position;
        this.radius = radius;
        this.detailLevel = detailLevel;
        this.localUp = localUp;
        this.axisA = axisA;
        this.axisB = axisB;
    public void GenerateChildren()
        // If the detail level is under max level and above 0. Max level depends on how many detail levels are defined in planets and needs to be changed manually.
        if (detailLevel <= 8 && detailLevel >= 0)
            // If the distance to the player is less than the level of detail, generate children
            if (Vector3.Distance(position.normalized, Planet.player.position) <= Planet.LevelsOfDetail[detailLevel])
                // Assign the chunks children (grandchildren not included). 
                // Position is calculated on a cube and based on the fact that each child has 1/2 the radius of the parent
                // Detail level is increased by 1. This doesn't change anything itself, but rather symbolizes that something HAS been changed (the detail).
                children = new Chunk[4];
                children[0] = new Chunk(new Chunk[0], this, position + axisA * radius / 2 + axisB * radius / 2, radius / 2, detailLevel + 1, localUp, axisA, axisB);
                children[1] = new Chunk(new Chunk[0], this, position + axisA * radius / 2 - axisB * radius / 2, radius / 2, detailLevel + 1, localUp, axisA, axisB);
                children[2] = new Chunk(new Chunk[0], this, position - axisA * radius / 2 + axisB * radius / 2, radius / 2, detailLevel + 1, localUp, axisA, axisB);
                children[3] = new Chunk(new Chunk[0], this, position - axisA * radius / 2 - axisB * radius / 2, radius / 2, detailLevel + 1, localUp, axisA, axisB);
                // Create grandchildren
                foreach (Chunk child in children)
    // Returns the latest chunk in every branch, aka the ones to be rendered
    public Chunk[] GetVisibleChildren()
        List<Chunk> toBeRendered = new List<Chunk>();
        if (children.Length > 0)
            foreach (Chunk child in children)
        return toBeRendered.ToArray();
    // Most of this code comes from Sebatian Lague
    public (Vector3[], int[]) CalculateVerticesAndTrianglesOfChunk(int triangleOffset) // Returns vertices and triangles of a chunk(detail level)
        int resolution = 8; // The resolution(set of chunks) of the chunk. Can be changed
        Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[resolution * resolution];
        int[] triangles = new int[(resolution - 1) * (resolution - 1) * 6];
        int triIndex = 0;
        for (int y = 0; y < resolution; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < resolution; x++)
                int i = x + y * resolution;
                Vector2 percent = new Vector2(x, y) / (resolution - 1);
                /* Same code as Sebastian Lague, with the difference being that
                1: The origin is the position variable rather than the middle of the terrain face
                2: The offset is scaled using the radius variable */
                Vector3 pointOnUnitCube = position + ((percent.x - .5f) * 2 * axisA + (percent.y - .5f) * 2 * axisB) * radius;
                Vector3 pointOnUnitSphere = pointOnUnitCube.normalized * Planet.size;
                vertices[i] = pointOnUnitSphere;
                if (x != resolution - 1 && y != resolution - 1)
                    triangles[triIndex] = i + triangleOffset;
                    triangles[triIndex + 1] = i + resolution + 1 + triangleOffset;
                    triangles[triIndex + 2] = i + resolution + triangleOffset;
                    triangles[triIndex + 3] = i + triangleOffset;
                    triangles[triIndex + 4] = i + 1 + triangleOffset;
                    triangles[triIndex + 5] = i + resolution + 1 + triangleOffset;
                    triIndex += 6;
        return (vertices, triangles);

Not going to debug your code, you can do this yourself. :wink:

Isolate one part of the issue, set a (conditional) breakpoint and see what the values are. There is no other way. Trial and error with an algorithm isn’t going to lead anywhere but frustration.

Use Gizmos to draw debug info directly on the mesh, such as coordinates for every vertex in a given area. Also enable (shaded) wireframe mode in the scene view to better visualize the generated mesh.

Thank you for your reply, i tried everything except to use Gizmos, that will help to debug more efficiently