Easy Mobile - Many-in-one package for mobile games

Hi everyone, SgLib Games here!

We’re excited to introduce Easy Mobile, our latest plugin! Easy Mobile is our attempt to create a many-in-one Unity package that greatly simplifies the implementation of de facto standard features of mobile games including advertising, in-app purchasing, game service, notification and native mobile functionalities. It does so by:

  • Providing a friendly editor for setting up and managing things
  • A cross-platform API which allows most tasks to be accomplished with a single line of code
  • Automating chores such as service initialization and ad loading
  • Leveraging official plugins wherever possible, e.g. Google Play Games plugin for Unity, to attain reliability and compatibility without reinventing the wheel.

This plugin fully supports iOS and Android. Here’re its modules and highlights:

  • Advertising

  • Supports AdColony, AdMob, Chartboost, Facebook Audience Network, Heyzap, ironSource, MoPub, Tapjoy and Unity Ads

  • Automatic ad loading

  • Allows using multiple ad networks in one game

  • Allows different ad configurations for different platforms

  • Allows using multiple ad placements

  • In-App Purchasing

  • Custom editor for easy management of product catalog

  • Receipt validation

  • Game Services

  • Works with Game Center on iOS and Google Play Games Services on Android

  • Custom editor for easy management of leaderboards and achievements

  • [Pro-only] Saved Games: save game data to iCloud (iOS) or Google Drive (Android) with automatic conflict resolution

  • [Pro-only] GIF

  • Records screen, plays recorded clips and exports GIF images

  • High-performance, mobile-friendly GIF encoder

  • Giphy upload API for sharing GIF to social networks

  • Notifications

  • Fully-customizable local notifications

  • Fully supports Android 8.0 notification channels & channel groups

  • Compatible with OneSignal, a free and popular service for push notifications

  • Privacy

  • Provides tools and resources to help getting compliant with user privacy regulations such as GDPR

  • Multi-purpose native consent dialog that can act as the common interface for collecting user consent for all relevant services, instead of having multiple interfaces for various services

  • Built-in system to manage consent and communicate consent to relevant services

  • API to check if the current device is in the European Economic Area region (EEA region, affected by GDPR)

  • Sharing

  • Shares texts and images to social networks using the native sharing functionality

  • Native APIs

  • Native UI: mobile native UI elements such as alerts and (Android) toasts

  • More native functionalities will be added soon

  • Utilities

  • Store Review: an effective way to solicit app reviews using the native rating prompt on iOS and a highly customizable rating popup on Android


  • C#
  • [Pro-only] Visual Scripting (100+ Playmaker actions)

- Easy Mobile Pro
- Easy Mobile Basic (deprecated since Feb 2020)
- Easy Mobile Lite (Free)

- Online Documentation
- API Reference
- Demo APK (Pro version)
- Demo APK (Basic version)
- Android Beta Testing Campaign (for IAP demo)

Thanks for reading! If you have any question or comment, please leave it below.


That is a nice asset! I’m jumping in and crossing fingers for it to succeed…
I sadly own every piece of well known convoluted monstrosity as there was no alternative at a time. Thats a breeze to have something lean at last.
Please keep updating and try to keep it clean)

Keeping the plugin clean, simple and easy to use is our target. Thank you!

1 Like

There should be more platform specific stuff like ReplayKit thou, hoping for it to come soon)

Thanks for the suggestion! We will think about it :slight_smile:

Couple of questions. Are you going to add support for multiplayer? And concerning the discount, will the asset be $50 after Feb. 14th?

Hello, is the source code included in the Asset Store download? Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, yes, source is included.


Hello have you tested this asset using the unity cloud build and/or the unity collaboration beta ?

Looks Like i have missed the discounted price… :frowning:


You should’ve acted quicker :slight_smile:

All good, the plugin was on discounted price was not mentioned on the asset store description… and i never visited the plugin forum so i never knew it was on discounted price…

1 Like

Are there any plans to add tvOS support to this plugin, to mostly to make it “not impossible” for us to port iOS games to tvOS :wink:


Thanks for the question.
We haven’t had a plan for tvOS support. Right now most of the 3rd party services that Easy Mobile works with (e.g AdMob, Chartboost) haven’t supported tvOS, so it would be a “partial support”, which is not desirable to us.
We will focus on iOS and Android and try to bring a consistent experience across the two platforms.

I have some questions.

  1. Is it possible to load user data (name, user image)
  2. Is there a way to use cloud save from google game services in a simplified way
  3. are the custom leaderboard loading functions crossplatform (loading 10 leaderboard entries around the user etc.)
  4. is there a way to logout the user

Thanks in advance!

Hi, thanks for your questions!

  1. Yes, you can load user data of the local user, friends or a list of users with known IDs.
  2. Not yet implemented, but definitely in our plan.
  3. Yes, our API is cross-platform between iOS and Android.
  4. No we don’t have that.

Hope that answers your questions. Thank you!

Can it be problem with new-updated plugin?
How to fix this error -


The error probably was because the play-services-ads-lite-x.x.x.aar was missing. This file should exist in your Plugins/Android folder.

Please go to ‘Assets > Play Services Resolver > Android Resolver > Resolve Client Jars’ to run the resolver, so that the required play-services-ads-lite file gets added to your project again.


I have everything installed and all seems to be working with no errors. The API is simple and nice - good work

I have been trying to use unity test Interstitial ad however in the editor it is not working my code and the demo are not showing the ad

Log states

UnityAdsEditor: Initialize(1410567, True);
Show alert with message: autoLoadDefaultAds is currently enabled. Ads will be loaded automatically in background without you having to do anything.
Show alert with message: Interstitial ad is not loaded.

When I click show ad nothing happens. I have an internet connection and I have set up all the config setting also. Am I missing something?