Hey there, on the Unity Hub it doesn’t let me install any of the Unity Editors on my MacOS. Everytime I try to, the editor application says this:
Install failed: EACCES: permission denied, mkdir ‘/Applications/Unity’
If anyone has a solution, please share it
I’m having the same problem. Is there any help available, anyone?
Well do you have permission to make the folder?
The installer asked admin user name and password. Can it be that admin may not have enough permissions?
If I’d create the directory manually via terminal, who should I set as user and owner groups?
admin should have permissions, but its probably some anti install thing checking that you actually mean to install it. if you dont know what user and groups you use on your machine, that is a worry…
I guess I know user and groups of my machine, but I don’t know what Unity Hub installer tries to create. I try to ask another way: if the Unity Hub had been able to create the directory, what user and group would have been set as directory’s owner and user? admin & root?
I dont run it on mac or unix so ive no idea… Im just unix/mac friendly. However, if you make the folder and have full rights to it, it probably will take it from there
yes help i have the same problem and i tried using admin account but of course it deicieded i couldnt sign in to unity
and i litterally have no idea how to down load into files and all that stuff