Editor won't open no matter what I do.


I’m running Windows 11 and I’m trying to open Unity. It feels like I’ve tried everything when it comes to the issue. I’ve reinstalled Hub, I’ve reinstalled the editor. I’ve tried a different version. I tried to redownload 2015 distibutables. I’m attempting to create a new project and it won’t open. I’ve tried to open unity directly without hub and still nothing. After checking logs it looks like it can’t find the project I’m trying to open even though I just made it? Any help would be appreciated.

Here is where it looks like it crashes according to the logs
{“timestamp”:“2022-09-03T16:14:22.095Z”,“level”:“error”,“moduleName”:“LocalProjectService”,“message”:“[\n 'Error while opening a local new project: ',\n ProjectError\n at Function. (C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources\app.asar\build\main\services\projectService\ProjectValidatorService.js:51:23)\n at Generator.next ()\n at fulfilled (C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\resources\app.asar\build\main\services\projectService\ProjectValidatorService.js:5:58) {\n errorCode: ‘ERROR.PROJECT.PATH_NOT_FOUND’,\n projectName: undefined,\n projectVersion: undefined,\n projectPath: undefined\n }\n]”}
{“timestamp”:“2022-09-03T16:14:22.095Z”,“level”:“error”,“moduleName”:“LocalProjectService”,“message”:“[\n ‘Error while opening project: {"code":400,"error":{"errorCode":"ERROR.PROJECT.PATH_NOT_FOUND","projectName":"My project","projectVersion":"2021.3.9f1","projectPath":"C:\\\\Users\\\\pcmaj\\\\Downloads\\\\nicer\\\\My project"}}’\n]”}

Check if your username has weird characters (spaces, apostrophes, unicode, etc.) and don’t let that be any part of your path.

Same goes for the project name. I would recommend not using ‘my project’ but rather ‘myproject’

Also, I put all my Unity stuff in c:\unity to get around the built-in filesystem creakiness of Windows, such as its ludicrously small overall path size limitations.

I made a project in C:\Unity/myproject and it still didn’t launch. Thanks for the attempt though.

What if you just empty out the above folder utterly and make this:


all empty folders and tell Unity to open ```myproject``` ?

That seemed to do something, only in the logs. It seems unity was able to “open” the project but the editor itself keeps closing.

{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:11:58.367Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LocalProjectService","message":"[\n  'openProject projectPath: C:\\\\Unity\\\\myproject, current editor:',\n  undefined\n]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:11:58.367Z","level":"info","moduleName":"RestEvent:Project","message":"[\n  'onProjectOpen data:',\n  {\n    projectPath: 'C:/Unity/myproject',\n    normalizedProjectPath: 'C:/Unity/myproject'\n  }\n]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:11:58.367Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'checkEntitlements: checking entitlements for: com.unity.editor.ui' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:11:58.412Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'Successfully checked for entitlements request.' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:11:58.412Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LaunchProcess","message":"[\n  'Spawning editor instance with command: ',\n  'C:\\\\Program Files\\\\Unity\\\\Hub\\\\Editor\\\\2019.4.31f1\\\\Editor\\\\Unity.exe',\n  ', and arguments: ',\n  [\n    '-projectpath',\n    'C:\\\\Unity\\\\myproject',\n    '-useHub',\n    '-hubIPC',\n    '-cloudEnvironment',\n    'production',\n    '-licensingIpc',\n    'LicenseClient-pcmaj',\n    '-hubSessionId',\n    'a4d504b0-2ba7-11ed-9169-47c6c081b676',\n    '-accessToken',\n    'nyNsO7sZz7nWcpVtRC2iBAgyYygVKqC1VqxeRaPnN9E012f'\n  ]\n]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:11:58.421Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'Get all entitlement groups' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:11:58.477Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'Successfully received all entitlement groups details' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:11:58.478Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'Received 1 entitlement groups' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:12:01.358Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LaunchProcess","message":"[ 'child process exited with code 0' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:12:17.200Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'Get all entitlement groups' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:12:17.274Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'Successfully received all entitlement groups details' ]"}
{"timestamp":"2022-09-03T18:12:17.274Z","level":"info","moduleName":"LicensingSdkService","message":"[ 'Received 1 entitlement groups' ]"}

Hi, I had the same issue I checked the logs file (C:\Users<YOUR USER NAME>\AppData\Local\Unity\Editor\Editor.log and it looked something like this:

so all I did is returned license in Unity Hub (Settings → Licenses) and added one again and it started working.



Ok, but the Unity Hub no longer has this: Settings → Licenses. If I try Preferences → Licenses, I have a license, I can Refresh it, but I cannot return it. edit: And Refreshing it does not fix the problem for me.

I should also point out I’m using the Free version of Unity.

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