I am expecting to see the entity baking preview include ECS.
Steps to repro:
- Create new Unity 6 URP project (using 60000.0.23f1)
- Add package Entities 1.3.8
- In Hierarchy, right click add Subscene
- Right click Entity Subscene add sphere.
In Inspector, the Entity Baking Preview should include entity information.
Screenshot below. In inspector, Entity Baking Preview says:
Entity baking can only be previewed for Gameobjects baked by a subscene.
What am I missing?
Because you have only Entities package installed, your sphere converts to nothing, as result nothing to preview. As you have no Entities Graphics package - Mesh Renderer and filter components doesn’t have bakers, same for collider - if Physics package not installed - no baker, as result your sphere will have only transform component for conversion, and by design baking process ignores entities without any components (with bakers) and which is not part of any hierarchy. Just to prove this - create simple mono behaviour component and implement baker with comppnent for it (just simple tag component) and you’ll see preview as now sphere wouldn’t be stripped from baking.
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Thank you! That worked perfectly. Makes sense.
For anyone reading down the thread: Unity 6000.0.23f1 initially throws errors after installation, so you need to restart the editor.