File may be corrupted or was serialized with a newer version of Unity.

I’m using the Aseprite importer to bring in my characters and their animations, but every time I try to set up the animation rules in the ‘Animator,’ it gives me this error. I’ve searched everywhere and can’t find a solution. Please help me!

“Failed to load ‘C:/Users/Marlon/Warrior’s Souls/Assets/Sprites/player/idleFront.aseprite’. File may be corrupted or was serialized with a newer version of Unity.
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)”

The Animator generated by the Aseprite Importer is read only. If you wish to create a read/write Animator, please follow these steps: Frequently asked questions | 2D Aseprite Importer | 1.0.1


I just ran into this same issue and thankfully stumbled upon this thread. Could the editor could be updated to disable the animator in such cases as this? I don’t think the user should even be allowed to make edits to a read only asset.

Does Unity have even native support to Aseprite files?

Yes? There’s an package with an importer for them that is included by default with any new 2D project.

Nice. This means Aseprite is really mainstream tool.

I agree with you. We are looking into ways to streamline this and make it more user friendly. It requires larger changes though, so it will take some time before we have something ready.

You can read more about it here:

Unity 2022.3.3f1 Tried with old and brand new aseprite files, happens 100% whenever I try to add a blend tree to the animator

*Note: forgot to mention in the previous post, this still occurs even after exporting and editing a fresh animator controller.

@dead_byte_dawn could you file a bug report so we can take a closer look?

Thank you, looks like the fix to the issue is simply to create a new animator

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I ran into this issue too. I exported the controller and animations like in the documentation sent above, but I still have the issue. I tried reimporting the aseprite file, and I didn’t change a thing, and I still get the issue. How do I solve this?

There isn’t a lot of information in this thread about what actually goes wrong. Do file a bug report so we can take a closer look, thanks!