Hello! When I test my videogame on test mode or build as develop build, I see all my graphics fine and with no issues. But when i Build a GooglePlay bundle, my animations get crazy and my mediation ads didnt work. Anything I’m doing wrong? Any change I need to do before build for avoid this issues?
For more info, my build is ok. I fix animation removing SpiteRender changes. But Ads not working and builds is ok.
Deterministic Builds are currently activated.
This means that:
- When your project is built for the first time, lock files will be stored inside of your project from that build.
- On subsequent builds (where the lockfiles are still available), lock files from the previous build will be used.
This will ensure that your builds will use the same dependencies each time, making your builds deterministic.
If you would like to disable this feature, uncheck the Deterministic Builds under: Services > Mediation > Configure > Build Settings.
UnityEngine.Logger:Log (string,object)
Unity.Services.Mediation.MediationLogger:Log (object) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.services.mediation@1.0.5/Runtime/Tools/Logger/MediationLogger.cs:21)
Unity.Mediation.Build.Editor.AndroidLockFilePostGenerateGradleProject:OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject (string) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.services.mediation@1.0.5/Editor/Build/PostGradle/AndroidLockFilePostGenerateGradleProject.cs:59)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
[Mediation]: Only copying gradle lock files, no lockfile generation
UnityEngine.Logger:Log (string,object)
Unity.Services.Mediation.MediationLogger:Log (object) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.services.mediation@1.0.5/Runtime/Tools/Logger/MediationLogger.cs:21)
Unity.Mediation.Build.Editor.AndroidLockFilePostGenerateGradleProject:CopyExistingLockFiles (string,string) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.services.mediation@1.0.5/Editor/Build/PostGradle/AndroidLockFilePostGenerateGradleProject.cs:140)
Unity.Mediation.Build.Editor.AndroidLockFilePostGenerateGradleProject:OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject (string) (at Library/PackageCache/com.unity.services.mediation@1.0.5/Editor/Build/PostGradle/AndroidLockFilePostGenerateGradleProject.cs:82)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
Build completed with a result of 'Succeeded' in 43 seconds (42951 ms)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&)
And here my Build options:
** Using Unity 2021.3.14f1 LTS