HDRP broken on latest 2019.3 beta due to missing meta files

HDRP 7.1.2 and 2019.3.0b9

SerializedScalableSetting.cs and ScalableSettingLevelParameterEditor.cs have missing meta

Confirmed on two machines.

Wasted most of my afternoon. /moan

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Anyone got any ideas for a workaround? I canā€™t find a 2019.3.0b8 to try rolling back to.

I guess I could try a newer HDRP from Github - or rolling the project back to 2019.2?

@andybak check if this works for you? Thereā€™s that good old download assistant.

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Same error, I couldnā€™t get it working myself, just reverted to 0b6.

Opened package folder, removed ā€œread onlyā€ from folder RenderPipline. Added .meta from github. Fixed

Any chance of an of

Thatā€™s odd. The project I have the problem on doesnā€™t have PP installed. Are you sure you didnā€™t change anything else at the same time?

Same issue here!
I tried with the 2020 unity version and same.

Mid last week I setted up a project with the HDPR 7.1.2 and everything was ok, but when I tried to install and import my project on a new computer this week end I got all those errors.

It makes me think the issue is coming from the HDPR 7.1.2 or 7.1.1 more than the unity version, but unsure.

It is known issue. Wait for beta10 and 7.1.3.

Any idea where you saw that? Iā€™d like to read the official response if there is one.


  • HDRP: When installing or upgrading to package version 7.1.2 type or namespace ā€˜SerializedScalableSettingā€™ can not be found (1194975, 1195014)

Thanks. Hereā€™s the bug: Unity Issue Tracker - [HDRP] When installing or upgrading to package version 7.1.2 type or namespace 'SerializedScalableSetting' can not be found

Anyone else think this was a bit big to allow through as a known issue? If they want people to use and test beta versions then surely ā€œbreaking HDRP for an entire releaseā€ should have been a blocker?

Even for non-production products this was a big time waster for me and now Iā€™m much more reluctant to test beta versions.

But you can win valuable rewards while testing beta like GTX 2080t.
If youā€™re using PLM, that is very handy.

No need to revert to older betas or anything, and they didnā€™t break HDRP for the entire release. Just donā€™t update to HDRP 7.1.2. HDRP 7.1.1 does not have the problem.

HDRP 7.1.1 broke something else for me so I couldnā€™t take that route. I canā€™t remember exactly what now and Iā€™m certainly not going to revert. This project takes nearly an hour to import fresh (deleting Library is neccesary to switch Unity or HDRP versions without problems) and experimenting as to what combination of Unity and HDRP actually works is what wasted half a day.

So we shouldnā€™t make light of this. I know ā€œitā€™s a beta blah blahā€ but this one shouldnā€™t have made it out of the door and shouldnā€™t have taken this long to resolve.

@andybak Iā€™ve been using Unity 2019.3.0b8 and HDRP 7.1.2. Havenā€™t had much trouble but Iā€™ve been just writing a few post effects and also used VFX Graph. Only errors Iā€™ve got so far have been some vague VFX Graph UI (?) related errors in debug log printouts, but other than that, no warnings or red debug log stuff or any Package Manager related issues. I did have initially trouble with Cinemachine as I accidentally installed 2.3.4 (if I remember correctly) when there was that preview.4 2.4.0 available which was required. Nowhere was it mentioned that itā€™s incompatible, but it was.