I am making a game like Chained together.
Basically, all the characters can be 1 to 4 characters connected to each other with a chain.
I really want them to move like they are connected with a chain, so if one goes in a very different direction, both he will pull the others and the others will pull him.
It gets complicated when gravity is included in the game.
In the system I am currently making, I take the center point of the 4 characters as the center point. And I add velocity to every Character Controller that moves away from this center point so that it goes to that center point.
It works on the flat, but when one falls to the ground, the character falls directly to the ground because the gravity is more than the pulling power, and the others collide with the ground and stay.
To solve this, I reset the gravity while adding the chain velocity, but this time, if the characters try to jump and go in different directions at the same time, their gravity is reset and they hang in the air.
If the direction that is centerposa is y, then if I say turn off gravity, it goes crazy again.
In short, I couldn’t figure it out.
If you could share a tutorial or resource recommendation on how to do this, I would be very grateful.